Best Friends Door III

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Words cannot comprehend how humiliated I feel about my actions. I lost my best friend because I was jealous and selfish. I'm so sorry for manipulating Harry and coming onto him, despite him telling me constantly that he didn't want to.
I definetly do not deserve it but I really pray that you can maybe forgive me? If not me, then Harry. He didn't do anything wrong. He didn't even sleep with me or do anything sexual like it may have appeared.
I'm really sorry from the bottom of my heart.

Love Laila

It came as a shock to all of us that Laila would apologise like this. I suppose it was a good idea not to show up because I most likely would have broken one of her skinny bones with no guilt whatsoever.

"That bitch," Cody snapped his fingers in the air, before turning around and heading to the kitchen. I looked at Kaili who put her hands up and followed him to give me some space.

So Harry really was telling the truth when he said Laila took advantage of him.

It was slowly beginning to make sense now, with everything Harry said and the letter that Laila gave me.

Unless Harry had planned it.

But he wouldn't would he? We have been together for too long to ruin a relationship that was once that strong.

I didn't take long for the guilt to seep in when I realised I was in the wrong. I was the one who left him alone in that big house, I was the one who caused his heart to break everyday that I ignored him.

I was the one who made him cry.

Before I could even process my actions, I had already clicked on Harry's contact and listened closely for him to pick up his phone.
But he didn't, it went to voicemail after the 10th ring.

Kaili and Cody sat opposite of me watching a movie whilst I re-dialled his phone, it still going to voicemail.

"Damn it Harry," I mumbled to myself, chucking my phone to the side and leaning on my palm in distress.

After what felt like an hour which however was only 10 minutes, I heard a door knock, all of our heads turning to look at each other.

Who could possibly be coming over at night. None of my friends even knew Harry and I weren't exactly together right now so they didn't know I was with my sister.

Seeing as the two lovebirds were too lazy to stand up and answer their own door, I made the obligation to do so.

The peephole had a smashed glass so I couldn't see anything other than the darkness from outside. I slowly opened the door, hoping it wasn't some creepy dude at the door with ruffled hair and bloodshot eyes.

But that was exactly what I came into contact with. Ruffled locks facing all directions and once evergreen eyes now bloodshot, the bags under the eyes adding to the restlessness of the man. In his arms he held a small black cat with green eyes similar to his own.

Grand Angus, our cat.

"H-Harry?" I asked, trying to reassure that it was him who was standing before me. He opened his mouth slowly with his dry and chapped pale lips, trying to figure out what to say to me.

"I-I'm sorry I came uninvited, my phone died so I couldn't call you. Um...I brought Angus b-because I know it's hard for you to sleep alone. Especially now since we...b-broke up." He broke eye contact for a second, holding the purring cat out for me to take.

I took Angus into my hands and pat him for a few seconds before putting him down where he walked into the livingroom.

"Thanks Harry, that was really thoughtful." I nodded, wanting so desperately for him to look at me but he avoided eye contact with me as he kept his gaze to the floor.

"Harry?" I asked, lifting his chin up for me to get a good look at him. His jaw was clenched as he finally locked contact with me.

"I just wish you would trust me."

"Harry I h-"

"No, let me finish. I woke up an hour later with half naked Laila laying on me, dressed in my shirt. The one that you bought." He licked his lip, fiddling with his fingers. "And I know my first instinct was to think that maybe that drink had so much alcohol and made me drunk quickly. But I know alcohol when I taste it and it wasn't alcohol. you have to understand I didn't do anything with her."

"You kissed her back though," I reminded, completely ignoring the fact that I knew it wasn't his fault.

"Because I thought she was you."

I could tell the frustration on his face was taking a toll on him when his eyebrows were furrowed and the stress lines became evident on his forehead.

"Okay," I responded. He looked at me intently, waiting for me to decide on what was going to happen between us. "By the way, we didn't break up...I just said I needed a break."

"When a couple takes a break, they never get back together," he snapped, more aggressively than he intended. He must have noticed because his facial expression relaxed. "I-I'm sorry."

I couldn't bear to continue to see him like this, so sad and so broken. And to think we hadn't even broken up and he was this damaged. I couldn't imagine what would happen if we actually broke up for good.

"I wanna go home, with you." I confessed, watching his eyes widen in shock and happiness. He stared at me for a few seconds, waiting to see if I would change my mind. But I wasn't going to.

"W-wh- really? You're coming home? I-I didn't think you would believe me." He rushed out, his eyes searching mine for a hint of regret maybe, which I'm sure they didn't hold because I didn't regret it.

"I miss you." I stepped forward towards him who gladly took a hold of me by wrapping his arms around my waist and placing kisses on my head. "And I trust you, I never should have doubted that."

"I miss you too, so much. Let's get our baby and go home yeah?" He grinned for the first time in a while, brining his thumb to trace around my cheekbones.

"Of course."

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