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Your POV

'Just a few more kilometres Y/N,  you can make it.' I reassured myself trying to keep my breathing and footwork consistent. People around me where cheering and encouraging us all. I was running along with this guy I had met at training. We were currently in the lead.

"Come on sweetheart, almost there." He panted patting me on the back. I smiled at him and nodded my head. We saw the 1km sign go past us which made me feel joy. The cheering began to get louder as we sped up. I was beyond tired as sweat stuck to my forehead. As we could finally see the finish line, he grabbed my hand and gave me a reassuring smile.

We kept our hands locked for the next 200m where we finally finished in first place. We let go hands and embraced each other in a hug as he spun me around in the air and I laughed in happiness.

"We did it Y/N," He smiled taking my hands in his. "12 weeks of hard work but we did it."

I laughed as I hugged him once again, having to go on my tip toes since he was so much taller than me. I felt a tap on my shoulder which caused me to release from the hug. I turned around to see Harry stood there, eyeing Matt.

"Oh hey! I did it, I actually did it!" I cheered in excitement. He smiled at me and pulled me in a tight embrace, despite the fact I was so sweaty.

"Yeah I know! I'm so proud of you baby!" He beamed placing his hands on my waist. I bit my lip suddenly feeling awkward for Matt.

"Um...hey Y/N, I'll erm...see you later I guess. I'm gonna head to the refreshments." I heard Matt say. I turned around to see him pursing his lip and turning to leave.

"Oh wait, I'll come with you," I added as he stopped to wait for me.

I looked back up to Harry to see him frowning and eyeing Matt. "What's wrong?" I asked him.

"I just..." He whispered in my ear. "I don't trust him."

I sighed and released my arms from his waist, turning around to face Matt who was patiently waiting.

"On second thought, I'll meet you there in a second Matt, sorry." I apologised to him but he just smiled at me, being he awesome person he was.

"Sure love,"

I turned back to Harry and pulled his Raybans off, eyeing him very carefully.

"Are you serious right now?" I asked folding my arms across my chest. "There's no need for you to be throwing shade at Matt, he's done nothing to you."

"No but I see the way he looks at you babe, I don't like it."

"Don't babe me Harry." I retorted which obviously took him by surprise. I turned my head to look at Matt who was seated on alone on a bench with a bottle of water and a packet of chips. "Matt has been a gentleman to me, he's sweet, funny and we have a lot in common but that doesn't mean he's trying to replace you."

Harry shook his head and rolled his eyes as if what I said meant nothing to him.

"I don't want you hanging with him anymore, you're not allowed to see him, ever. If I see you with him, he'll regret it. That's an order Y/N." Harry demanded suddenly, as if I was his. I widened my eyes in shock and through instinct, I slapped him across his face.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that, I'm not your toy. Keep up with this and I won't be your anything." I spat in anger as I turned to leave but he grabbed my wrist and turned me around, planting his lips onto mine. I so desperately wanted to pull away but I just couldn't. He released from the kiss with a little smirk but I remained frowning, knowing I had given into him...again.

"This isn't over." I groaned turning to leave. I walked to Matt and sat down ashe handed me a bottle.

"Your boyfriend, he seems to really love you," he commented. I took a large drink before placing it down on the bench.

"Yeah, he's an over protective, jealous and arrogant jerk...but I love him." I insulted. Matt smiled at me and changed the topic, going on about the awards night the following day but I couldn't help but only think about Harry.

Sure, I overreacted by slapping him but I didn't want him think he had some dibs over me. I turned to look at him leaned by his car in the far distance, roaming around the track area. In that moment, a pretty blonde girl in shorts and a sports bra slowly walked past him, making sure to catch his eye but Harry didn't even budge, he simply smiled at her turned his head, which led to me smiling about it.

"Arrogant and over protective." I mumbled to myself. "How the h.ell did I fall for him..."

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