Awkward 8.1

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1 month had passed by since I confessed my love for Harry. Things were outright awkward between us, even the other boys noticed. But I decided to pretend as if nothing was wrong. I hadn't seen them in 2 weeks but they would be coming back today for my birthday. I had been seeing this guy named Cameron for about a week and a half. We went to the same high school for 4 years and were in the same form class. We had gone out together everyday and he seemed to be outright a gentleman. I think we were moving way too fast but I needed something to take my mind off him.

"Happy Birthday," a deep voice whispered in my ear. I jumped in fright as I turned around to come face to face with Cam. A smile appeared on my face as I wrapped my arms around him in a hug.

"Thank you so much!" I beamed when he handed me the gift box. I placed it on the table and took his hand, leading him outside where the party would be held. "You're early,"

"Yeah, thought I would come give the birthday girl a hand. You look amazing by the way," he complimented, wrapping an arm around my waist and giving me a kiss on the forehead. I smiled at him and began to put the lights up. Mum and my siblings eventually came downstairs after getting dressed to help set up. All of mum's friends were here since 7am, cooking and baking. Soon, people began to gather around, giving me gifts and wishing me a happy birthday. The place looked amazing with all the lights and decorations.

I heard some girls scream which caused me to turn my head to the direction of the door. I made eye contact with those familiar green eyes as a small smile appeared on my lips. I walked towards them and pushed through my cousins, meeting with them all.

"Happy Birthday sweetie," Louis smiled as he pulled me in for a hug. I hugged the rest of the boys until I came up to Harry. He gave me a wide grin before pulling me into a hug.

"Happy Birthday Love, you look...stunning," he beamed as he scanned my body from top to bottom. I thanked him as a small blush appeared on my face. I looked around to see Cameron looking at me with a cute smile. I ushered him over, which he did. He wrapped his arm around my waist and slightly pulled me in.

"Cameron, this is Niall, Louis, Liam, Zayn and my uhh...bestfriend Harry. Guys this is Cameron my...-" I paused, looking for the right word to use cause we definetely were not boyfriend and girlfriend.

"Well we aren't official yet but we are something," he chuckled. I looked up to the boys who were all exchanging awkward looks. I frowned at them but shrugged it off, not wanting to know what they were thinking.

After all the introductions, we all decided to eat. Cameron was seated with my family, laughing and eating. They seemed to hit it off really well. I was just stood at the entrance to the backyard, admiring the scenery and the stars.

"Beautiful isn't it?" I turned to the side to see Harry stood next to me awkwardly, staring at me intently. I couldn't tell whether he was referring to the stars or me.

"Yeah. It is,"

"So...I see you've got yourself a boyfriend." He frowned. I nodded my head and looked down.

"Not a boyfriend as quite but we've been seeing each other since you guys left." I responded, looking back up to him but he was already staring at me.

Gosh he was beautiful.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did when you...told me. I was just scared of ruining our friendship, but now that I see you with another g-" He started but got cut off by my harsh response.

"Mmm don't you start. Don't finish that sentence." I shook my head sternly.

"I know it's wrong of me to come here and basically confess my love for you b-"

"Did you not hear me. You're not going to do that right now. I waited 3 damn years for you to say that but you only decide to say that when I start seeing someone else?" I growled, folding my arms across my chest. In instant, I felt a pair of warm lips press onto mine. I was taken by so much surprise I almost didn't pull away. Almost. This was what I always wanted, always wanted. It felt so right this moment but it was wrong of me to do that when I was with someone else.

"What the hell?!" I shouted as I pushed him off and slapped him across the cheek out of reflex. Everyone was already looking at me, including Cameron who had a sad expression. He got up and turned to leave the scene. I glared at Harry before turning to follow Cameron.


Terrible I know but I'm so busy with exams right now there's no time to make anything good. Really sorry it just try to pretend you like it


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