First words

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Harry and I had been dating for slightly over a year. He was perfect for me. It took me by surprise how the fans didn't hate me as much as they did with his last girlfriend.
But the only thing that still bugged me was that we hadn't even gone past the 'I love you's. It's been long enough right?

"Hmm, what you thinking about boo?" He mumbled into my neck as we laid cozily on the couch, the TV playing silently.

"Oh...." I stuttered. "Uhh...nothing, just about what to have for dinner." I lied but he believed me.

"Don't worry about it, I'll take care of dinner tonight. You just go on and take a shower." He stood up with me, his hand still entwined with mine.

"Why? Do I smell." I scrunched my nose which he just kissed.

"No but it's 6 and I know you always take showers at this time." He smirked walking into the kitchen to cook. I smiled and walked to our bedroom to have a quick shower.

After applying moisturiser to my body and lotion to my hair, I got dressed in soft RUN DMC track pants and a sweatshirt which I presume was Harry's.

I planned on sneaking up on Harry whilst he cooked but I stopped immediately when I heard him on the phone.

"She's great, why?"

"Okay chill Lou." He chuckled.

"No I haven't told her. I'm too scared man, what if I scare her away? Or she doesn't feel the same way..." He sighed.

"Yes of course I love her. It's been over a year and i still haven't told her. I mean, she's perfect and...I've loved her since the day we met but this is a big dea-"

Wait, he loved me?

"Fine, I'll tell her tonight and tell you what she says tomorrow. Say hi to your siblings for me eh? " He smiled. I felt guilty for eavesdropping on his conversation but I was quite a nosy person to be honest.

I took this as an opportunity to enter the kitchen just as he was finishing up his conversation. He gave me a smile as he hung up the phone.

"Hey babe." I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his waist and placed my chin on his shoulder. "Watcha' making?"

"Bolognese. Thought maybe I would treat you eh?" He winked at me when he turned around.

"Aw, how sweet." I cooed and placed a kiss on his lips.

Dinner was ready in 20 minutes and looked great. We devoured our meal in the lounge and even headed for seconds. I could tell he was nervous as he finished his last forkful, taking the plates to the sink.

He came back, fiddling with his fingers which he did when he was scared or nervous.

"Are you okay?" I asked placing my hand on his. He looked down at it and looked back up into my eyes.

"I need to tell you something."

"Go ahead." I reassured. I could feel my heart rate increasing as well.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I-I l-" he stuttered. "I l-love... your hair, it's s-so soft-t." He backed out. I sighed and hung my head low.

"That's what you wanted to say?"

"Uh..." he stuttered again in a bundle of nerves. "Sure...?"

"Ugh Harry, you're pathetic. If you wanted to tell me you loved me you could have just said so!" I retorted In a playful manner. His eyes widened as he was loss for words.

"Wh- how did you know?"

"I may or may not have been eavesdropping." I admitted. A smirk grew on his face as he tackled me on the couch, resulting in us falling flat on the floor, his figure lying above me. He stopped laughing and looked into my eyes.

We were silent for what seemed like hours but merely seconds.



"I love you. Gosh I'm in love with you." He smiled. I gave him a smile in return.


"Ok? Really? That's wh-"

I placed my lips on his as we kissed like the kind you would see in a fairytale.

"Gosh you just need to shut up sometimes." I laughed. He laughed along with me and nodded his head in agreement.

"I love you too. Gosh I'm in love with you too." I quoted his words. He placed his forehead on mine and placed his lips on mine as well, falling into a passionate kiss.

About time Harry. I though to myself.

About time.

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