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Harry's POV

"Babe..." I groaned trying to softly move her off my bare chest but she wouldn't budge, although I knew she wasn't asleep.

"Please, I need to get up." I said stroking her hair until she opened her eyes and looked up to me with those big brown eyes. I smiled at her and kissed her forehead as she moved her head away onto the pillow, turning her back to me. I frowned at her and turned to my side, pulling her into my chest and wrapping my arms around her.

"Hm...thought you were going..." She mumbled keeping her eyes closed. I leant over and kissed her cheek, holding it there for a few seconds before releasing.

"I do need to go but I just want to hold you."

She was silent for a few seconds before turning back around to face me. "Well, it's 9:36 so you should go pick her up. I'll make some breakfast." She smiled leaning her forehead onto mine. I nodded my head and kissed her lips before getting up and heading to the bathroom to change. A few minutes later I was out of the house and onto my way to Lou's place.

I got there just as she had finished packing Lux's things into a bag. After saying bye to her and Tom, I placed her pram and car seat in the Range Rover, buckled her up and drove back home.

"Is Micelle here?" She asked me as I unbuckled her from the seat and picked up her bag. I chuckled at her cute way of trying to pronounce Michelle.

"Yeah she's here, did you miss her?"


We walked into the house where the scent of pancakes immediately filled my nostrils.

"Pancwakes!" Lux screeched running towards the kitchen. I placed her bag onto the couch and followed her into the kitchen where she ran straight into Michelle's legs. She smiled at her and picked her up, planting multiple kisses across her face before placing her down where she ran off into the lounge. I walked towards Michelle who was plating the pancakes and wrapped my arms around her waist, kissing her shoulder softly.

"She loves you," I whispered with a little smirk on my face. Michelle smiled at me as she turned the stove off. I released my arms from her and sat by the table where she placed the plates on the table. She grabbed the cut strawberries and whipped cream, spraying them on Lux's plate for her.

"Lux darling, do you want to come eat pancakes!" She shouted into the living room. In a matter of seconds, I could hear her little footsteps rushing into the dining area, where she sat herself next to me. Shortly, Michelle joined us on the table where she placed her food onto her plate. She was a little petite but that girl could sure eat.



"Are you and uncle Hawwy mawwied?" She softly asked, looking up at her with her little blue eyes. I was a little taken back by her question and apparently so was Michelle where she looked at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Uh, no sweetheart." She replied placing a strawberry in her mouth. Lux nodded her head and began to eat her food but I knew it wouldn't last long before she would ask another question.

"Uncle Hawwy, are you and Micelle ever ever ever going to have a baby?!" She practically shouted. I widened my eyes at her and looked at Michelle who was already looking at me.

I wasn't sure what to tell her. I didn't want to lie to her, I couldn't, but it wasn't really something I had discussed with Michelle as of yet. We only mentioned what kind of kids we wanted but never about with who.

I pursed my lips and placed my fork down, thinking about what to say until I opened my mouth and began talking.

"Well, I don't know Lux. I would like to have a baby with Michelle if she wanted to ofcourse." I replied, rather to Michelle than to Lux herself. She looked at me without uttering a word to me.

"Mummy said don' have no baby until you get mawwied. Are you gonna' get mawwied?" She asked again. I sighed knowing she wouldn't stop asking until she got her answer.

"Um, I hope so. I would love to marry Michelle someday, when we get older, and then have a baby; if she wanted to." I replied once again only staring at Michelle who was looking so intensely at me. She bit her lip as a small smile began to form on her lips. She looked at Lux with so much love in her eyes which kind of gave me hope. Although she hadn't mentioned anything, I knew the answer.

She wanted what I wanted.

And that's all I wanted.

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