Broken Sicknesses 12.2

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I woke up feeling unbelievably hot. The thick blanket draped over my half naked body was causing beads of sweat to stick to my body. Even the pillow my head was laid on was hot. But even so, I didn't remember being in this position at all. I remember seeing Harry, vomiting and then being knocked out.

There was no sunlight outside, suggesting it was night time. The figure next to me mumbled some words I could not understand, allowing me to realise Harry was still here. Forcing myself to sit up with my throbbing headache, I looked to Harry who's eyes began to open.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, rubbing his eyes from the sleep.

"Why are you still here?" I snapped back. He obviously wasn't surprised by my tone but I was.

"I'll leave when Hannah gets here,"

"She's not coming back for another 2 weeks so might as well leave now." I closed my eyes as my head pounded painfully. It seemed as if Harry being here was causing my symptoms to be worse. The last time I was sick like this was four years ago and that was because of food poisoning.

He was quiet for some time, probably watching me suffer in pain. It's what he must have enjoyed because he was the first to inflict so much pain upon me.

"I can't leave you alone when you're sick Y/N." He scooted closer to me, bringing his cold hand to my forehead which gave me so much relief but was so wrong. I snatched his hand from me and moved further away from him.

"You've left me alone before so what's the difference now," I croaked as I stood up with the blanket wrapped around my waist to head upstairs but he only followed me until I stopped at him at my bedroom.

"I'm sorry okay? I-I didn't kn-"

"Please save it. I'm not in any condition to take in any of your bullshit. Lock the door on your way out." I fired back before closing myself in my bedroom. I heard him sigh and walk away before there was silence and I was left feeling alone.

I managed to convince myself that he wasn't worth any of my tears and I just needed to move on and sleep. I was never going to be good enough for him and he was never going to care for me as much as I did him.


I could hear her coughing from the couch and it was beginning to worry me. I'd never seen her sick like this so I didn't really know what to do, especially when she hated me so much. After rummaging through their bathroom cupboard and seeing way too many playboy condoms, I finally spotted some cold and flu medication.

With the water in my hand and medicine in the other, I made my way into her bedroom where she was cuddling herself still in just a t-shirt and underwear. It's not like it was new for me to see her pant less but it still made my heart skip a beat.

It bothered me that I was still in love with her but couldn't have her.

She was surprised to see me still in her apartment but didn't complain when I gave her the medication. After taking her temperature which was too high, I called my mum to ask for help.

"Harry, what could you possibly want at this hour!"

"Mum, I uh need help. It's Y/N, she's very sick. Her temperature is extremely high, she's been vomiting and coughing, sweating like crazy and her eyes are bloodshot. I just...don't know what to do." I gushed out altogether. It made me nervous when something was wrong with her. The last thing I wanted was for her to end up in hospital.

"I thought you two broke up?"

"Mum, now's not the time."

"Okay love. She needs to have a hot shower, the steam will help with the congestion and coughing. Then put her feet in an ice bucket to drop her temperature. Give her some herbal tea with no sugar for the vomiting and then she'll just need plenty of rest for the eyes." After writing down my mum's commands, I made my way to the shower to turn the hot water on.

"Okay thanks mum."

"Um honey, is there any chance she could pregnant?"

My heart literally stopped beating when she said that. There was no way she was pregnant...was there? We hadn't had sex in about a month and I'm positive we used protection. I think.

"Shit mum, I-I don't k-now..."

I listened to her lecturer me about even having sex in the first place, yet possibly getting Y/N pregnant. I'm not sure how I would feel or react to her being pregnant. It would take me by shock, yes. But it takes two and all I could really do was assure her we would be okay and I would be there. Besides, having a little Y/N or mini me running around wouldn't be too bad. That was unless she got pregnant from someone else. The thought of her legs wrapped around some skeeze boiled my insides,

I spent ten minutes trying to get Y/N up and explaining that she needed to have a shower. After using every possible swear word at me, she eventually gave in. I led her to the steamy bathroom and put her change of clothes on the counter top. She looked at me before raising her arms up like a child did. This confused me a lot because I had the impression she wanted absolutely nothing to do with me, yet alone for me to undress her.

"Are you sure?" I asked, stepping closer to her. She closed her eyes and nodded her head before I placed my hands on her waist and pulled her shirt off, leaving her torso completely bare. She turned around and stepped into the shower, not even wincing or anything.

"You can leave now."

I gave her fifteen minutes in the shower before helping her get dressed and get back in her room. She sat on the edge of the bed and dunked her feet in the water, slightly wincing but was surprisingly calm. As she did this, I made her some tea and brought plain crackers for her to eat. She obviously complained saying she wanted real food but I stood my ground and told her no. She eventually fell asleep with her head leaned against my shoulder.

I gently moved her head and laid her whole body on the bed, pulling the sheet over her. As I turned to leave to return to my temporary home on the couch, she turned her head to look at me with red, puffy eyes.

"Don't...leave me." She mumbled before closing her eyes again. I nodded my head and sat on the beanbag by the floor, watching her as she drifted back to sleep.


There's a part 3 coming up so you don't have to comment "part 3!" "Part 3 pls" but if you could atleast comment and tell me how it is, how I can improve it, if you want anything special to happen in part 3. This will help to improve it!😊😘❤️


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