Bestfriends door

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It had been almost a month since I had seen Laila and I felt like I owed it to her to come visit her not on her account. There were multiple occasions were she told me she was busy but now I just missed her and wasn't going to tolerate it. Harry had gone to Louis' at around 11 and now it was 2 and I was getting ready to leave. I took the house keys and made sure I texted Harry to let him know the house keys were in the garage and that I was going out. He was quick to reply to me.


Now this part I hated. He had been so distant with me lately it was a little annoying. I had told him before but he simply apologise and that was it.

I got into my car and began to make my way to the direction of her house, but as I passed Lana and I's favourite pizza store, I decided to pick up a box and some drinks. 10 minutes later I was back on the road and soon enough, spotted her little house at the end of the neighbourhood. She lived alone, therefore she didn't need much space.

I parked across the road since her car was already on the drive away. With a big smile, I made my way to the door and allowed to the doorbell to ring. It took a moment for her to get here, but soon she opened the door wide with a smile already on her face, but the minute she saw me, it practically dropped to the floor. I rose an eyebrow at her and scanned her outfit. She was only dressed in jeans and a fully unbuttoned plaid shirt which I could see her black bra.

"Nice outfit Layla," I snickered as I shifted my weight. She looked so taken back to see me, scared even.

"Uhh...what are you doing here?" She stuttered, covering her chest with the shirt. I was a little taken back by her question. We always just rocked up at each other's house without a warning unless if there was company.

"Visiting my bestfriend...? What's go- Oooh! You have a man over don't you?!" I whispered in excitement but she didn't even move a muscle, which was worrying.

"Thanks for coming over but I'm a little busy right now, can y-"

"Layla, where's my shirt? I need to go before Y/N gets home!" I heard a deep rusty voice from the other side of the door. Ofcourse I knew that voice, I had accustomed to it for 5 years. I shook my head and looked at Layla who gave me a sympathetic look.

"Y/N, please it's not w-" she stuttered with wide eyes. I shoved her out of my way and stepped into the house. As I scanned the room, I made contact with the figure in the living room, scanning all around for his 'shirt' I spotted it by my feet and picked it up, making my way towards him.

"This is?" I spat, holding the shirt up in my hands. He breathed a sigh of relief as he slowly turned around.

"Yeah pr-" but he immediately paused as he made contact with my eyes. His green ones widened in horror and fear. I shoved the shirt into his chest and folded my arms across my chest, holding back any possible tears.

"Next time you're f.ucking my best-friend, don't leave your things all over the place; she's a bit of a clean freak." I growled. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. I was far into too much shock to hardly comprehend what had just happened.

"G- y/n, I s-swear its not what it l-looks like." He stuttered. I simply shook my head and forcefully slapped him across the cheek as he winced in pain.

"Yeah okay. Because what i see is my ex-boyfriend and ex-best friend, half naked in the same house together. He's got lipstick plastered all over his chin and she's wearing his shirt that I bought." I chuckled dryly, turning around to look at Layla who was in tears. I scoffed at her appearance and walked to her.

"B.itch, why are YOU crying. You don't get that privilege. So I see this is what you have been so busy with. F.ucking my boyfriend right? So tell me, how is he? Because I wouldn't have a clue even though we've been together for nearly 2 years!" I chuckled dryly. She flinched at my loud voice and stepped back, hitting the wall.

"Y/N, just he-"

"Shut up. You're a whore, that's what you are. Gosh, I could kill you right now," I smirked evilly. I could sense the fear in her as I trapped her between the wall and I. "In fact, why don't i?" I stepped away and grabbed the lamp shade by the window and yanked it out of the plug. Her scream immediately filled my ears as I went to swing at her but Harry was quick to grab my hand and stop me from possibly making a mistake.

Of course I would never hit her, I wasn't ready to go to jail. I was just going to smash it on the wall to scare her.

"Are you insane?! Put that down Y/N!" He shouted in fear. I turned around and shook my head. I swung my arm and threw the lamp towards he window, smashing the entire glass in the process. "Baby, please. Relax, w-we can work this out." He breathed heavily. I could still hear Layla crying behind me as she cowered to the floor.

"Don't you dare call me that again. And yeah, maybe I am insane. Because the two most important people in my life right now, turned out to be the biggest b.itches I've ever met. Look at yourself Harry, you had sex with my bestfriend!" I shouted in anger as I slapped him across the face again. He winced as he rubbed his cheek, where a red handprint was printed on.

"I d-didn't sleep w-with her. We- I..." He stuttered as his eyes became glossy. I could feel mine start to well up and that's when I knew I would breakdown right here.

"I don't believe you. So that's it right? I wasted 2 years of my life with you, to have you cheat on me with my bestfriend...?" I cried. Tears flowed after each other, and so did Harry's, but at this moment I didn't care. I was a wreck and I would be for a while. Through everything we had been through. All the fights, make ups, kisses, dates; all the moments we shared were basically worthless to him.

"It was an accident...y/n, I didn't mean for it to happen. It just started one time when she kissed me and then..."

"And then you just fell in love with her." I finished off for him, although that's not what he wanted to say. "Did you ever even think of me, did you even love me?!" I sobbed, punching into his chest. I repeatedly spat words at him and punched my way through him but all he did was cry. He didn't try and stop me until I finally gave up and cried my way through for the entire period of time.

"I did lov- I do love you. I have never loved Layla, it's always just been you." He apologised as he fell to his knees and took my hands into his. I snatched them out and pushed him away from me.

"Stop it. I don't ever want to see you again. Don't ever say you love me because you don't. I jus- Ughh... I hate you so much Harry!" I screamed as I made my way to the door before opening. I looked back at Harry on his knees, sobbing into his hands but I didn't have any pity for him. "If you had told me before, I would have gotten out of your way."


Okay? I hope so! It's getting close to the end of the book guys. Seriously, if you want requests you better do it now or forever hold your peace.

Please Comment I love to hear what you think and any suggestions and feedback

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Kiss kiss!!

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