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    You were waiting for your long-term boyfriend, Eddie Munson, to return from the bathroom do the restaurant you guys were having lunch at. He was taking too long, so you decided to go looking for him.

    You went to the bathrooms, but he wasn't there. Panic set in, as you began frantically searching for him. You ran around to the back of the building. It was the one place you hadn't checked. That's when you saw something that would haunt you until the day you died. A girl was kissing Eddie. He looked at you with wide eyes, shoved her off, and ran towards you. "Y/n it's not what it looks like, she kissed me!" He yelled. "Y/n please believe me-" "you..your a cheater!" You yelled, cutting him off, before running off crying. You and Mike had always been close, and his house was the closest to where you were, so you ran to his house.

    Half way there, it started raining. 'Shit' you thought to yourself. You just kept running until you made it to his house. You knocked on the door until Nancy opened it confused. "Woah..hey y/n, what's wrong? Let me go grab you a towel. I'll have Mike grab you some clothes. Come in" she said before going to grab you a towel and yelling for Mike to grab you some clothes.

    Once you were dry and in new clothes, Mike and Nancy sat down with you, and tried to figure out what was wrong. "I saw Eddie..kissing a girl" you said, still crying. "Bullshit! Eddie would never do that!" Mike yelled. "Your not helping Mike." Nancy said sternly at him. "It's okay. I'm just as confused and shocked as he is.." you said sadly. "I'm going to find him and figure this out" Mike said and left. Nancy stayed with you and comforted you until you fell asleep on the couch.

{Mike's POV}

    I decide to head to Eddie's trailer first. As I'm riding my bike, I hear a van behind me. "Hey Mike!! Have you seen y/n?" A familiar voice yells. I turn to see Eddie getting out of his van and running towards me. "Oh, hey man. I was just looking for you. Y/n is at my house. He said he saw you kissing a girl" I said. "Can I see them? I didn't kiss the bitch, she kissed me!" Eddie yells. I think for a moment before saying, "yeah let's go."

{Y/n's POV}

    I wake up to the sound of Eddie's calm voice telling me to wake up. "Eddie..?" I say half asleep. "Hi sweetheart.." he says, sounding like he's about to cry. "Why..why'd you kiss her?" I say, sounding like I've been smoking my entire life. "What'd you say my love?" Eddie says, still holding in tears. "Get him some water please" Eddie says to someone. They bring him water and he hands it to me. "Here. Drink this" he says with a smile. I sit up, take the water, and slowly drink it. "Why'd you kiss her..?" I said sadly. "I didn't honey. She kissed me. I tried to explain but you ran away and then I couldn't find you and I didn't know what to do. Then I found Mike and he brought me to you.." Eddie says, now crying. "Promise..?" I ask. "I promise." Eddie says with a smile, still crying though. "I love you Eddie" I say, now crying as well. "I love you y/n" he says before kissing me and tightly hugging me. I look at Mike and mouth a thank you. He smiles and nods in response.


I hope you enjoyed this part. It was kind of cliché, but it was fun to write and I'm bored sooo🤷🏻

Don't forget to drink water and eat something! I love you all :) <33

Eddie Munson x Trans Man/Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now