Reeling Insanity

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I blankly sighed, opening the door into my hotel room. Pickle was already there, seemingly staring into nothing. I decided to not question what he was doing. I tiredly went to my bed, even though I had a pretty chill day. Other than playing video games and taking a brief walk outside, I didn't really do anything tiring, so I had no idea what made me so exhausted. Pickle finally noticed that I was in the room, and asked me why I was going to bed so early.

"To be honest, I don't know. I'm just.. tired."

"You sick or something?" asked Pickle, twiddling his thumbs. 

"Can objects even get sick?" I asked. Pickle shrugged in response. "I don't know Knife. Probably?", he asked in a rhetorical way before yawning.

"I mean, I'm tired too for no reason.."

"Meh," I responded, climbing into bed. "I'm gonna have an early night." 


I heard him climb into his bed as well, so I reached over to the light switch to turn the lights off. As I started to try and go to bed, I thought about how quiet it was today. Maybe there was some kind of sickness going around, causing people to get really tired. I made a mental note to ask Test Tube about it tomorrow, before letting myself slowly drift into sleep.



"S̶m̵i̷l̸e̴ ̶w̵i̶t̴h̶ ̴m̷e̴.̴.̶"




Urgh.. my head. I swore that someone just screamed at the top of their lungs, which is probably the reason why I am awake right now. I tiredly turn my head to look at the clock, which showed me that it had only been a couple of minutes since I entered the hotel room. That's when I heard unusual banging sounds coming from somewhere below me. Judging by the shifting noises coming from Pickle's bed, the commotion from downstairs woke him up too.

"Hey Pickle, do you know what all that commotion is?" I asked before yawning.

"Hmph.. no," said Pickle, still presumably half-asleep. "It sounded like it was Soap who screamed though.." Oh, so that scream was real.

"I'm gonna go check if she's okay."

"She probably just saw some dirt or something, I don't think it's worth checking it out." replied Pickle, yawning.

"Are you sure? That scream was much louder and ear-piercing than Soap's normal scream," I said, before immediately becoming uncomfortable about the fact that I just compared a person's screams. "I'm gonna go check it out."

"Well.. good luck," said Pickle, rolling back over to go back to sleep. "Wh- you're not coming with me?" I asked tiredly. Pickle just grunted in response.

"Okay than." I said, slowly getting out of bed.

"Suit yourself.."


Just Trying To Survive (A BFDI/BFB/TPOT and II au)Where stories live. Discover now