Dying Chances

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They were still chasing him, he could tell, hell, feel the things behind him. The things which used to be his followers. It was unfortunate that they got infected with whatever the glitchy thing was, but better them then him. Maybe they sacrificed themselves to save him? Heh, probably not. Whatever the case, he was alive and they weren't. 

He hopped over a fallen tree, careful to not get tangled on any of the upturned roots and loose vines sprawled loosely all over the ground. He occasionally changed directions, in order to make him harder to track and follow. After doubling back on his path, he eventually heard the sounds of the objects start to get quieter and quieter as he slowly started to loose them. After a while, the only noise was a quiet static which acted as background noise, which meant that the objects were gone. His heart still pounded in his chest despite the knowledge that he was now alone.

Breathe in.. breathe out. You're alive. You made it. And that's all that matters right now.

Loser paused his running, looking behind him to see that the Pillarly Ruins were now out of sight. He was safe from them for now. For how long he would be safe he wasn't sure, but he decided that it was worth the risk to take a break for now. Worse case scenario he would just have to run away again.

He settled down next to a tree as his breathing slowly returned to a more or less normal rate. Without needing to think about this survival, he thought about how he had gotten here. It was weird admittedly, how fast things had fallen apart. There had to be around twenty of them in total after Leafy and Firey left. They should've been fine. Should've. With Four's near limitless powers, any problem should've been instantly put down. But Four was nowhere to be seen at the time, and X alone wasn't strong enough to fight back. They got infected, and it didn't take long for them to start infecting others.

Him and the other survivors tried to hold their own, but one by one they were cut down and infected. Any hope that was left quickly diminished as the group was forced to split up. Him and Spongy had ran away together at first, but given Spongy's weight he was just too slow. Loser ended up abandoning him, knowing that if he stayed with them they would most likely both be caught. Loser would like to think that he had no other choice, but he knew deep down that wasn't true. 

And after a long time of running he was now here, hopefully safe enough to think of what to do from here. He pondered at the thought of moving on, but he didn't have an answer for now. After all, the true threat of the glitch was still unknowable. Was this just a minor incident which would eventually be forgotten, or a huge change in the lives of every object across Goiky?

He thought that the latter was much more likely. 

As he pondered what to do, something extremely weird happened. He smiled. It lasted for only a fraction of a second, but it was long enough for him to notice it happen. Any thoughts he had immediately ceased at the sudden motion. He twitched a little, which made him panic a little. He tried to figure out what was happening, but his answer came from the objects which he had left behind. They were smiling, presumably without any ability to resist the false emotion. And he definitely didn't mean to smile.. Did he get some of the glitch on him?

There was no way.. right? He surely would've felt something before right now, a sensation that something was wrong. He unwillingly twitched again as he tried to think back to a few minutes ago, trying to remember if he had gotten too close to any of them and had gotten the glitch on him that way. But he came up short. 

He decided to try a different approach, one more definitive. Using his hands, he carefully felt around his body to see if there was any of the glitch on him. He didn't even know what the glitch really looked like, and he definitely didn't know what it felt like, so he was really just relying on there being a difference between the glitch and the smooth material which he was made of.

Just Trying To Survive (A BFDI/BFB/TPOT and II au)Where stories live. Discover now