Internal Rotting Beneath My Skin

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"Yo Seven! It's been a while man."

"It's only been.. a day.. maybe?"

"Whatevs. Anyhow, how is my smaller algebraic bro doing?"

"Fine-" "That's radical! I gotta skedaddle now. Catch you on the flipside."

"But why even..?"


 "And they're gone. Great."

Nine truley was an enigma of a number. They randomly disapppear for days sometimes, and come back like nothing happened. Then they also just rush through every conversation which they find themselves in. What even was the point of talking to them today? Seven occasionally wondered what it would be like to live as care free as Nine did. Of course, they could live like that. There was nothing stopping them. Seven, however, preferred to keep some sort of schedule despite the lack of obligations to do anything. It helped keep the days from blending together.

Without any real ways to tell the time, Seven's schedule was very adjustable. Some days they would try to accomplish some random task to keep themselves sane, metaphorically of course. During others they talked aimlessly to the random numbers which occasionally popped into the playground for a while. Past Ten, none of the algebralians really stayed for long. This led to them not knowing any of them quite well. For Ten and below, they regularly talked everyday.

Well, except One and Three.

The Zero's were nearly identical in every regard, most of them lacking any sort of definite personality. They were almost blank slates in most ways. Two was nice and understanding, and they would most likely be Seven's closest friend if they were at the playground more. With their show going on they couldn't be here for long though. Four was the ringleader of the playground, being mostly understanding despite what their contestants usually say. Though, X, their best friend, was certaintly a wild card. In a good way. They could very well go from very defensive to overbearingly nice at the drop of a hat.

For the ones which they knew slightly better, Five was definitely the most annoying. Always trying to set some pointless rules and or impose what they thought was right on everyone. Were they right most of the time? Probably, but things are definitely a lot funner when they aren't around. Six had the closest personality to Seven's. They were mischievous. Very mischievous. They were similar in that regard. Six was maybe a little too ready to push themselves into a situation at any time though, meaning Seven was hesitant to hang out with them since they would just leave to mess someone's day up at anytime. Eight is basically Five but better in every regard. They're definitely more chill than Five, while still very logic based and understanding. Even though they were near complete opposites, Eight is one of Seven's closest friends.

Nine was already explained.

Ten's great. Seven really respected their heroic notions and their ability to stay calm under pressure. Until a few years ago though, Seven hardly knew them. Sounds like it's been a long time, but compared to the thousands of years Seven had spent with the other numbers it really wasn't. Past Ten, Seven only really knew one other algebralian.

Seven hated them with a burning passion.

Fourteen impersonated them and got them locked in jail for something they didn't even do! And while combined they were so annoying. That night was most likely the worst night of Seven's life so far. The mention of jail always put Seven into a bad mood now. Seven tried to not hold grudges, but they still had a thing for Fourteen. Seven did also hear talks about Fifteen. Apparently they hid out in the forest in a log cabin with a flamethrower?

Yeah, definitely not buying that. A flamethrower in a log cabin? Did Fifteen want to die or something? Probably just another case of Seven's friends telling them something made up for their own enjoyment.

Just Trying To Survive (A BFDI/BFB/TPOT and II au)Where stories live. Discover now