Look Out.

52 1 15

"That definitely should not of worked," Paintbrush reinstated for what felt like the hundreth time.

"Pro̷bably̴ ̵not.̵ ̸But ̶i̸t ̵did,̵ ̵a̶nd ̸tha̵t̶'̵s ̷a̵l̸l ̷that ̶matte̶rs."

Paintbrush coughed a little, some of the chlorinated water leaking out of their mouth as they began to talk again. 

"I mean.. I guess. Still that whole pool plan felt completely reliant on luck."

"So̸? ̶Beside̷s,̵ ̵w̷hat̶ ̷else̶ ̴c̶oul̵d've we̷ done̴?"

They didn't respond. Knife sighed loudly in response.

"T̴hat's ̶what ̶I̷ ̶thoug̷ht."

Knife's infected arm suddenly started to burn again, but he brushed it aside and tried to ignore it yet again. He didn't exactly understand how he was still okay. He was in this psuedo-state of awareness, most likely how one of the Cherries felt back up on the roof. Nontheless, he was thankful that he was still kicking around for now.

Paintbrush saw his arm suddenly spasm again, before he pushed it back down and pretending like that didn't happen. Even though in the past they hadn't had the best relationship, they were generally concerned about Knife now.

"What do we do about your arm?"

"What ̴d̷o̶ ̸you ̸mean̸? ̴I'm̵ ̸fin̸e̵."

Not beleiving Knife's respone, Paintbrush prodded him more about his arm, asking a few questions. Some of which he could only answer in guesses. He slowly became more agitated after every question. Paintbrush understood that they were being annoying, but if there was any chance that Knife could also succumb than they wanted to know sooner rather then later.

"Does it hurt?"

"No̶t ̸at ̷all̴."


Knife stared at Paintbrush blankly for a second before his eyebrows furrowed.

"That ̵w̵as̵ ̴sa̸rca̷s̶tic ̵P̷aint̵brush."

"So it does hurt?"

"Yes! ̷Obv̴i̷ously! ̴T̵ry ̸to̵ ̴ke̸ep ̸u̸p ̴Paint̵b̵ru̶s̸h," Knife snapped.

Getting to his feet, Knife unsuccesfully tried to keep his anger in check. For once in his life he didn't want to be a jerk. Yet this unknown burning feeling within him made everything so much worse.

"Only trying to help out here Knife. Don't need to get all sassy with me."

Knife grumbled out a low apology. Paintbrush decided that trying to talk to Knife right now wasn't the best idea. After all, the two of them had to fight with most of their friends mere minutes ago. Paintbrush themselves wasn't doing the best, so it made sense that Knife wasn't either.

The talk of the future which inevitably had to happen at some point was going to be difficult. Accepting that they were most likely the only two left was going to take some time, and until then their views would always be skewed by a desire to go back to the past. The past which doesn't and can't exist anymore.

"Do ̵yo̵u ̵thin̸k ̴the̵y ̵got ̶to̴ ̴th̷e ̶c̸ontest̸ants ̶of ̴se̴ason ̴three̴?"

"..I hadn't really thought of them being susceptible. I sure hope they're okay."

With everything that had went on tonight, Paintbrush hadn't had much time to think of the people still taking part in MePhone's diversion season, let alone their likelihoods  of survival. Being out their on that island made Paintbrush think that they would be okay. But with the near-limitless possibility of what that thing could do, there was no real way to know for sure.

Just Trying To Survive (A BFDI/BFB/TPOT and II au)Where stories live. Discover now