From One World To Another

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"Ugh.. Like why are we doing this again?" Pepper unhelpfully complained.

Trophy rolled his eyes sarcastically at her. "Did you always complain this much?" he asked, taking his time to respond as to not stumble over a tree root in the darkness. Pepper snarled at him. "Well it's probably past-midnight, we're in the middle of a forest with like next to no light, and we're probably gonna to get like yelled at by OJ when we get back!" She shuttered at the thought of it. OJ had started recently making things like curfews and rules thanks to the absence of MePhone. Any death would be permanent until he came back, so he wanted to take no chances. Being yelled at by OJ was already not a fun experience, so she couldn't imagine what he would be like if he figured out that they broke curfew.

"If we get back at all," Trophy slyly remarked. Pepper angrily glared at him while clenching her firsts, causing him to chuckle. "Relax.. we'll meetup with the others, and then head back to the hotel! Simple!" Trophy said.

"You still haven't told me who these 'others' are," Pepper angrily said. "Take a wild guess Pepper," Trophy said, trying to not lose his way in the darkness. That was easier said then done considering everything looked the same at night. "I don't know! I've only met like thirty people my whole life, and all of them are either at the hotel or are on like vacation." Pepper was still a little salty about not being invited, but it had been over a year now so she really didn't care that much anymore.

Come to think of it, why have they been gone for so long? They haven't heard any news from them since they left..

"Jeez you really have the memory of a goldfish don't you?" Trophy teased. "Shut up gold boy," Pepper said, unimpressed. Trophy frowned a bit. "Well.. remember the other objects who we usually meet up with once a year?" Pepper stroked her nonexistent chin for a couple of seconds before answering.

"Yeah.. but don't we still have like a year until the next meetup?" she said cluelessly.

"Well.. we're meeting up with them early!" Trophy happily exclaimed. Pepper looked surprised for a second, before she went back to being confused again. "Doesn't it take like a month to get over to their world though?" She crossed her arms. "It used too, but I heard that some people from the other world figured out how to make the journey much shorter!"

Pepper only looked mildly impressed at the information, as she was too tired to realize how important this actually was. "Mm.. Like how did they do it?" Pepper asked. Trophy grinned a little, his smile scaring Pepper a little. It was very rare to see him so happy. "Well.. someone from their world, I think their name was Two, made something called a 'wormhole'.." He used finger quotes for a second before pausing to look around. He quickly began to talk again. "It's essentially a set of portals which will instantly transport us from world to world!" he excitedly said.

Pepper nodded absently, still not caring too much about whatever he was saying. She yawned a little as they continued to walk through the forest. She just hoped that the portal actually existed and worked like Trophy said they would, and that he wasn't tricking her in some way. 


"Say Trophy.. how did you like know that they would be setting the portals up?" Pepper asked. Trophy turned around for a second to answer. "Snowball and Eraser told me at the last meetup. I think their show's host, the Two guy, somehow has the power to create the wormhole thingies. So they decided to set them up. I think it was supposed to be a surprise of sorts, but thanks to Snowball and Eraser I managed to not only figure out that they were setting the portals up, but also where they were being set up."

"Like, ok," was Pepper's only response. Honestly she just wanted to go back to the hotel, why couldn't they have waited until tomorrow? "We're meeting up with Snowball and Eraser by the way, that's why we left tonight," Trophy said, reading Pepper's mind. She just closed her eyes and rubbed her temples, wishing she had said no back at the hotel.

Just Trying To Survive (A BFDI/BFB/TPOT and II au)Where stories live. Discover now