Shopping Spree!

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Flower, who had earned litteraly nothing from her one shift from McDonald's, thought she was richer than ever now due to her stupidity. So, naturally she would go to the local mall for a shopping spree.

Flower burst into the mall in an unnecessarily dramatic way. She wanted to draw attention, which she did- but not in the way she wanted. People gave her death stares and side eyes and pointed and laughed at her due to her unusual demeanour and looks. Flower, of course, was ignorant to this.

She went to the closest shop she could find and naturally dramatically entered. Flower looked around at the mediocre clothing and customers. Nevertheless, she decided to browse through the clothing.

Heading to the woman's section first, Flower grabbed as many pink and yellow things that she could find- which were only really one or two dresses and a pair of jeans with pink waves slapped on.

Meanwhile, Match and Pencil were in the other side of store in the sales area because they're poor.

"Omg, Pencil, have you heard about Coiny? Yeah, he like, moved to America for three months to run for president against like, Trump? So the votes like, came out and the person who won is-"

"I don't care about politics, Match. Ooh, look at this dress! It's 0.0000001% off! So much cheaper, I'm sooo buying this." Pencil took a beige sparkly dress from the rack.

"What about this like, red and black one? Only 99% off!" Match smiles.

"99% off? How is that even a sale?"

"It's worth it." Match shrugs.

"You know what, Match? We look poor in the sales area. Let's go to the women's area!" Pencil grabbed Match's wrist and they ran over to the exact area Flower was in.

On the other hand, Flower saw a absolutely beautiful floofy pink flower dress. She quickly rushed over to claim it but someone else grabbed it before she could. She looked up, and she saw her.


Flower felt her blood boil at least 500°, maybe even higher. She had never wanted to throw someone more in her life, even more than Ice Cube.

"I. Was. Going. To. Take. That."

"Well, I took it. Come one Match, let's go." Pencil dismissed Flower.

What happened next? Too gruesome to tell... let's just say that 74 dead, 13 missing.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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