Honeymoon in Fiji?-Jackson Whittemore

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"Hey, Scott can I ask you a question about Jackson?" You ask as you two walk to class

"Y/N, what could you possibly want to know about him?" Scott asks

"Well he kind of asked me out and I told him I would think about it. So I wanted to know what he is like since I don't really know him." You answer

"He is kind of an asshole and normally he is not exactly a gentleman. He also can be a bit of a player. A bit materialistic. Not exactly someone people would consider dating material." Scott replies

"Oh, then I should probably avoid him." You say 100% trusting Scott's option knowing he was normally right

"You should definitely avoid him." Scott corrects as we head into class

It was now after school and you were walking to your car when you hear someone yell after you.

"Hey Y/N wait up!" You hear Jackson yell turning around you see him jogging to you

"Um hey...Jackson." You awkwardly say

"Have you decided yet?" asks Jackson smiling

"Um yeah I don't think us dating would be a good idea....." you awkwardly inform him looking around feeling awkward

"Wait, you're rejecting me?" He asks looking shocked

"Yeah it's just my friend doesn't think you are a good guy and it's just that....he's normally right." You answer

"What?" He asks still shocked

"Sorry." You apologize then rush to your car desperate to get away from this awkward situation.

"McCall! Do you think what you did was funny!?" yells Jackson, as he enters the locker rooms, pissed 

"What's funny?" Scott asks

"I don't know how about telling Y/N not to date me." Jackson says glaring at the boy

"Jackson you're a huge ass and Y/N is really nice and sweet. As her friend and knowing you, I don't want her to get hurt." Scott cautiously says

"Really McCall? You think I'm that much of a dumb ass to hurt her! I know she's sweet. Do you seriously think I would break her?" questions Jackson mad

"She won't sleep with you on the first date if that's what you want." Scott answers trying to get passed Jackson but he blocks him from leaving

"You seriously think that is all I want from Y/N? I mean sure she is hot especially to be your friend but that's not what I want. She is the kind of girl I want to end up with but if I don't try now then by the time we graduate she won't even remember my name." says Jackson

"Oh okay..." Scott says creeped out as he continues telling Scott his life plans for him and you

  ~~Next Day~~~

"Stiles it was weird he had this whole further planned for them and everything. He didn't even act like normal jackass Jackson it was so weird." Scott explains to Stiles

"Maybe it wasn't Jackson like what if he was possessed or charmed." jokes Stiles

"I'm serious dude if she is engaged to him before graduation his dad will pay for her to go to the same college as Jackson. Also if they get married he wants to have their honeymoon in Fiji." says Scott freaked out

"I know that's kind of freaky but would it be so bad that she wouldn't have to worry about a lot of things? And that he can't be a jerk to us?" Stiles says

"Stiles, she is our friend we can't just pawn her off to Jackson." scolds Scott

"Maybe, we can find some other girl similar to Y/N and pawn her off." plans Stiles

"Before or after we tell Y/N?" asks Scott not thinking the idea was so bad

"I guess after." answers Stiles shrugging

~~~After they tell you~~~~

"Maybe I should talk to him." You say after Scott tells you what Jackson said

"No, no, not in front of everyone." says Scott worried

"I guess you're right." You sigh

"Just try not to worry about." Stiles says as you guys walk into class

It was now after the big game and you were waiting for Scott and Stiles to congratulate them when Jackson runs into you.

"Hey Y/N." he says smiling

"Uh hey." You nervously reply

"Look I know McCall probably already told you about earlier but I just hope you're not too freaked out. I just really really like you. Your nice, pretty, also you always help others and are like every guy's dream girl. I know you think I'm a jerk but all I'm asking is for one date. If you don't like it I'll leave you alone. So what do you say one date?" says Jackson looking at you hopeful

"One date." You agree

"Great how about tomorrow at 5?" asks Jackson smiling the biggest smile you have ever seen from him

"Sounds great." You say smiling back

"Perfect see you then." Jackson says pecking your cheek then jogs away down the hall

"Are you crazy?!" asks Scott and Stiles in unison making you laugh

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