Walk Home-Liam Dunbar

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You were walking kind of late at night since your teacher made you stay so long in detention

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You were walking kind of late at night since your teacher made you stay so long in detention. It was a little scary since it was pitch black dark outside. You were walking home when you see two headlights coming down the street. The car slows a few feet ahead of you and you see Stiles's familiar jeep. It stops right next to you.

"Hey Y/N, what are you doing walking so late?" asks Stiles as Scott waves hello

"Just had shitty detention." You shrug

Then Stiles mutters something you didn't really hear. "Liam your "lady friend" is here." Stiles whispers to Liam who was starting to snooze off on the way home.

"Hey." Liam says his head popping out from
the backseat

"Hey, Liam." You say smiling since you had a tiny crush on the boy

"Y/N, why don't we give you a ride home." Stiles says

"Are you sure? I don't want to inconvenience you." You say not wanting to annoy them

"It definitely not. Trust me especially to Liam." says Stiles winking at him making him and you blush before you get in

Pulling up to your house you turn to the boys.

"Thanks for the ride, Stiles." You say

"No problem." replies Stiles

"Bye Scott." You say and he smiles

"Bye, Liam." You say kissing his cheek before exiting the car

As you walk away you hear this.

"She kissed me! She really kissed me!" You hear him say making you giggle as you walk into your house smiling.


Sorry the picture is so blurry😕

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