Letter -Liam Dunbar

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Dear Y/N

I miss you Y/N and I still love you even though we are separated. I wish I could have kept my promise but I screwed up. I sometimes think I see your smiling face in the hall joking around like normal but that's not the case. I wish you would come back. I wish I had just a day mores time with you. I wish I am not so depressed all the time. I wish I could do anything without seeing you. I wish I could stare at the tiny freckles on your checks again. I wish I would see the tiny blush on your beautiful face that would appear when I called you beautiful. I wish I could see you again getting excited when I would surprise you. I wish I could wake up in the morning happy with you next to me. It's like you haunt me I can't play lacrosse anymore without getting distracted. I always zone out thinking of the times you would come to games cheering me on. Sleeping is a dread nowadays you always appear in them and I wake up sad knowing that they will never happen again. I wish you'd come home to me. I wish I could wake up one day and see you next to me again like nothing happened that night. I wish I protected you better. No matter how many I wish yous I have you won't come back. I visit your grave everyday and talk to you. I hope you hear those conversations. I miss you, I wish you would come home.

I will always love you,

Liam Dunbar

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