Nolan + Liam (Requested)

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Requested by @savagedunbar

  Katie smiles as she looks at Liam, her secret boyfriend. He notices and gives her a smile happy to see her. Kate watches with her one blue and one green eye as Liam walks away to class. Then she sees her best friend, Nolan. He has a crush on her, she knows it but she doesn't feel the same way. He doesn't know that she knows of course. Katie only sees Nolan as a friend nothing more than just that. She just doesn't have the same feelings for him as she does Liam. She just doesn't have the heart to tell him she doesn;t like him like that. It would really hurt Nolan and she cares for him; she doesn't want to see him heartbroken.

"Hey, Katie, you ready for class?" asks Nolan standing in front of Katie smiling at the beautiful red head

"Yeah, Nol." Katie says smiling before heading to class with Nolan

 Now Nolan sits in his fourth-period class listening to his teacher drone on and on.

"Did you hear that Katie and Liam were caught making out in the boy's locker room third period?" Nolan hears the girl next to her whisper to someone

Katie and Liam? Making out? He thinks somewhat mad 

He has had a crush on Katie since the third grade and has been too scared to tell her. Then stupid Liam Dunbar, jock stud, just swoops in and steals Katie away from him. 

He walks out of class his blood boiling after hearing tons of more rumors of what happened in that locker room. As soon as Nolan starts walking towards his locker, he sees Liam talking to someone smiling. All Nolan could think about is wiping that stupid grin off of Dunbar's face.

He rushes over to Liam throws a solid punch to Liam's jaw. He then goes for another but Liam stops him with a punch to Nolan's cheek. The blow sends Nolan to the floor as Katie runs towards them. 

"Guys, stop!" she demands to pull Liam away from Nolan before Liam wolfs out

"Babe, calm down." Katie says placing her hand on Liam's face calming him down

"Why didn't you tell me? I thought we were best friends." says Nolan offended as he stands up

"Because I know you like me more than a friend and I didn't want to hurt your feelings." says Katie 

"Well, it's a little too late for that." he says walking away from Katie

"He hates me." says Katie upset as she sits next to Liam on her couch

Liam rubs her arm trying to comfort his girlfriend not wanting her to feel sad.

"No he doesn't, he's just hurt." says Liam giving Katie a reassuring smile

"What if he never speaks to me again?" asks Katie worried as a few tears fall down her face 

"Babe, he's your best friend and you guys have been friends since you were little. He isn't going to stop being your friend because of this. He loves you. Everything is going to be okay, I promise. You just need to give him time to calm down."  says Liam wiping away Katie's tears

"You think so?" asks Katie looking up at Liam worried

"Yeah, I do, babe." He answers giving her a small smile kissing her lightly before they snuggle up together

Liam kept his promise, Nolan and Katie became best friends again. Nolan realised he didn't love Katie in romance way; he loves her in a sister and brother way. Liam and Katie continued dating and Nolan found a nice girl to date. Katie and she are actually good friends now. Everything really did end up just fine. 

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