Parrish (Requested)

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Requested by @Isabella_Selman

"I can't believe you dragged me into this mess." says Isabella angrily to Theo

Isabella being the nice person she is was helping a homeless Theo out when she got kidnapped by the hunters along with Theo. Now she's in the sheriff station in a cell with two other wolves and Theo.

"I didn't kill anyone!" says Theo stepping closer to you

"Sure...Theo. The who one who has killed a bunch a people didn't kill these people." says Isabella annoyed

"You know you're kinda hot when you're mad." says Theo smirking as he stares into your eyes with a mischievous and lust filled grin

"Step away from her." instructs Parrish

Parrish is secretly Isabella's boyfriend. Her dad's the Sheriff so they weren't sure how he would take it and Parrish is older than her. Stiles's is her twin brother. They both have dark brown hair and brown eyes.

"We didn't kill anyone." growls Theo stepping towards the cell's bar

"I know Isabella didn't and the Sheriff will agree once he gets here but you.....I'm not so sure about." says Parrish before walking away making Isabella groan

I can't believe he left me in here with them. Isabella think annoyed

"This sucks." groans Isabella leaning against the wall crossing her arms over her chest

"Not entirely we still get to be here together in a closed space." says Theo walks towards Isabella placing his hands on her hips smirking

"Okay, that's it I'm moving you." says Parrish opening the door

"Finally, we get to leave." says Theo stepping away from Isabella

"No, I'm just moving Isabella to a different cell." says Jordan tensely obviously jealous

"Come on, Isabella." says Jordan grabbing Isabella's hand dragging her away

"You know you're kinda hot when you're jealous?" asks Isabella as Jordan takes her into another cell

"I'm not jealous." lies Jordan blushing a little

"You are even cuter when you're blushing." says Isabella smiling

"I'm not blushing." insists Jordan

"Yes, you are and it's cute." says Isabella placing her hands on the sides of Jordan's cheeks as he places his on her waist

Isabella smiles as she pecks Jordan's lips before heading into the cell Jordan opened for her.

"You know you're kinda hot when you're behind bars?" smirks Jordan looking Isabella up and down

"Thanks." says Isabella smirking

"So what's this about my daughter being a murder?" asks Sheriff walking to Parrish and Isabella

"You know you're lucky your dad's the sheriff?" chuckles Jordan as Isabella gets into patrol car with him

"I know....because then I get to be around cute deputies ." says Isabella smiling as Jordan starts to drive

"Cute deputies?" Jordan questions jokingly thinking Isabella would say something about him

"Yeah, there's this cute deputy named Chuck." teasingly answers Isabella

"Chuck?" He questions giving Isabella a jealous look making Isabella chuckle

"I'm just joking. Parrish is obviously the hottest deputy." says Isabella

"And?" He says still a little jealous

"And the only." adds Isabella rolling her eyes at his jealously

"Good." He says as he parks his patrol car by the woods

"You know you should get jealous more often." says Isabella smirking as she leans over towards Jordan

"And you should get arrest more, seeing you behind bars was pretty hot." He says as Isabella wraps her arms around his neck

"I'll keep that in mind." says Isabella before lustfully kissing Jordan who kisses back also lustfully

"I love you." Jordan says as Isabella and him pull apart

"I love you too now shut up and kiss me." says Isabella making Jordan smiling before pressing his lips to Isabella's


Today's the day!! I'm so happy! I can't wait to see the episode!

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