Kidnapped-Theo Raeken

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  Theo was crazy,hopelessly in love with Y/N McCall. Tonight he was going to have to try her brother. He knew his girlfriend so he knew she would never speak to him again if he did kill him or if he didn't. He couldn't let that happen. He couldn't lose her so he did something sort of stupid he kidnapped her. At the time it was the only way to still be around her but now, watching her look at him scared with tears running down her face, he wasn't sure he did the right thing. And he tried to do the right thing when it came to you. You were currently tied up at the moment your hands tied along with your legs and your mouth taped. You were scared of Theo someone who you love and someone up till now you trusted 100%. Tears run down your rosy cheeks upset and worried about what he would do to you.

"Look I know your probably scared but I'm going to take the tape off so we can talk. If you scream though I will have to put it back on, understand?" Theo says crouching down to your level

You hesitantly nod yes not knowing if you exactly wanted to talk to him but you were curious to see what he had to say. He gently takes the tape off and you ask the question you were curious to know.

"Are you going to kill me?" You ask scared tears spilling down thinking of being killed by the one person you love the most

"Gosh no Y/N I love you! I'm not going to hurt you. I swear on my life I would never hurt you. I" Theo says making you more curious

"Then why did you kidnap me?" You ask confused and scared

"Because of me trying to kill Scott. I knew when I did that you would leave me and never talk to me again. I just.......I just can't lose you. " Theo says tears now running down his face

"You're the only person I love and care about. So if you left me I would go crazy. I need you. I can't have you leave. You're the most important thing to me. You're the only person I would ever die for. You're the one person I have ever loved. You're my everything Y/N and I can't lose my everything." Theo continues

"So you didn't lie about actually having feelings for me?" You ask worried he would say yes and say everything he just told you was a big joke

"That's the one thing I didn't lie about was my feelings for you. I still and always will be in love with you. " Theo says

"I know I shouldn't but I still love you, Theo." You admit

"You do?" asks Theo shocked

"Of course Theo." you say smiling as you stop crying

"So you aren't going to leave me?" Theo asks looking in my eyes trying to see if I was lying

"I know I should say yes but love makes you go crazy things Theo Raeken. As much as I should I could never leave you I am too deep in love." You answer

"I love you." Theo says as he unties you

"I love you too." You whisper as he pulls you into a tight hug his head nuzzling into your chest

You never wanted this moment to end knowing the days ahead would be crazy for the both of you.

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