Chapter 07 - Relationship Shift

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"Dani, you don't get it! This man doesn't talk to anyone. Ever." Kendall had said for the thousandth time.

Alison and Liam had been waiting for us down in the lounge after Will, Bella and Kendall had spotted me talking to Nova. Apparently, it was unfathomable to even think that a person could talk to another person.

"Well, maybe you just don't see him talking to anyone else, Ken." I argued as I took a bite from one of Will's french fries. I quickly grabbed several more as I realized how hungry I truly was. Will silently offered me the entirety of his fries and I selfishly accepted them.

"Thank you." I mouthed. He smiled his reply.

"No! She's right, Dani." Bella chimed in, "I know almost everyone in this town and they all say the same thing. He only ever speaks to his sister, Kyle or he'll talk when he's working. Other than that it's like pulling teeth to get a conversation out of him."

"Well, it wasn't that hard for me." I said while looking away to conceal the blush that colored my cheeks. Even though that was kind of lie. It was a pretty forced and uncomfortable conversation in the beginning.

"Damn!" Kendall has shouted. "I've been trying to start a conversation with him since I got here! No fair!"

"Oh come on, Ken. It's not like the guy and I are friends or anything. We just talked about our Astrology professor!" I argued.

I told them that we had been discussing the incredible lectures that our astrology professor gives during each lesson and how I was going to be bummed that I would be missing tomorrow's lecture.

Apparently even the idea of him talking to someone about school was difficult grasp. And, honestly, I would be lying if I said it didn't make me feel even a little bit good that I was apparently one of the few that were able to get him to talk to them. It felt as if it was some kind of accomplishment.

If I thought long and hard I could think of plenty of times that what Bella and Kendall were saying was true. As a matter of fact I think our first ever interaction was short and you could tell almost immediately that he was more than eager to avoid speaking to me anymore than he needed to. The way he interacted with people was always changing depending on the day and I'm surprised more people didn't see that. I suppose enough people had grown so used to him avoiding conversations as much as possible that a lot people just didn't try anymore. I wonder if that was his intention all along?

I didn't bother to stay down at the Lounge for too long before I decided that I wanted to go back to bed. "The nurse told us that we needed to keep a close eye on you. How are you feeling?" Will was the one who asked the question but it was everyone that was waiting for my response. I smiled and lied when I said it didn't hurt that bad.

I could hardly believe that my face looked the way it did when I finally went to the girls bathroom to get ready for bed. The entire right side of my face was bruised and swollen. Honestly, I could be the poster child of domestic violence. When I pulled my shirt up to change into pajamas I groaned at the pain. Any kind of movement sent my almost black, bruised ribs into a throbbing fit of agony. I was definitely not going to be looking into a mirror again until the throbbing in my cheek went away.

It didn't matter how much I had slept earlier in the day. I was ready for bed again. I knew Bella and Kendall wouldn't be up to bed for awhile and the idea of being alone even for a few minutes sounded incredible.

Once I was back to the dorm room I closed the door with a sigh. Hopefully they wouldn't be back until after I was already asleep. Nothing felt better than to finally be alone after a long day. And it had been a very, very long day despite only being awake for a few hours of it.

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