Chapter 30 - Earlier

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Before - Jessica's POV

I listened to the sound of Alison's annoying teeth chattering as she sat in the passenger seat beside me. Every minute that we sat in the car without the engine running, the air around us grew colder. I didn't feel it though. The fire inside me kept me warm as I waited patiently for any sign that they might have come home.

Thomas had told me where I could find them just last night. The plan had become official then and I needed Alison, as annoying as she is, to help me with this part. If there was anyone who wanted Nova almost as badly as I did it was her. I kept my gaze directly on the house in front of us, trying to ignore her as she blew hot air into her hands and rubbed them together.

"It's so fucking cold in this car." I snapped my head at her.

"Okay then let me just turn on the fucking car so that everyone and their mothers can see us just so little, baby Alison can be warm!" She could only grimace at me because she knew that I was right.

I was more than ready to not have to deal with her anymore. As soon as Thomas and I got what we wanted we would rid of her indefinitely and we would both have what we want.

She continued to shiver and just when I thought I was about to throw my arm across the seat and slap her across the face, headlights slowly pulled up into the parking lot. I recognized the large, black truck that was given to Ryder by his stupid friend Kyle.

"Is that them?" I heard Alison shift in her seat to get a better look.

"Shh!" I hushed angrily. She was such an idiot, of course it was them.

I could feel my stomach slowly grow with excitement as the thought of seeing Nova again came to mind. Soon, little Ms. Nobody would be out of the picture and I would have him all to myself.

I clenched my fists in my lap as the shadows of their heads connected. Stupid, Bitch.

I watched her jump out of the car, wave goodbye to him before she slowly disappeared into the dark campus towards her dorm. Ryder sat in the parking spot much longer than normal and just when I began to worry that he might have seen us, he started the car back up and pulled out.

"He's leaving!" Alison shouted in my ear.

I started the engine, "I know he's leaving, you idiot! But we can't follow right behind him!" She slouched in the seat, grumbling to herself as I slowly followed after him.

I stayed as far behind as I could without the chance of losing him if he made any sudden movements. The drive wasn't as long as I expected and when he pulled into a parking lot the excitement in me grew. I had been waiting to see where Ryder lived for a really long time now but when I pulled into the complex, I was shocked. It was disgusting. It was a ratty motel that was practically falling to pieces.

I parked in the completely opposite direction as he did and hoped he wouldn't notice anything unusual. "This is where he lives?" Alison asked, sounding almost as disgusted as I felt.

How could someone this beautiful live so disgustingly? "It appears so." I said, unbuckling my seatbelt so that I could fully turn around. The both of us watched from the back window as he climbed out of his car. Alison grabbed for the door handle and I snapped my hand on her wrist so quickly, I could feel myself break skin.

"Not yet." I said with gritted teeth.

We turned back to Ryder to see him walk into the main office in the front of the complex. I continued to grip Alison's hand as I dug my nails into her flesh but she didn't seem to notice. She was too concentrated on waiting for Ryder to walk towards whichever crumby apartment he lived in.

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