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Hello, friends!

Alright so I've been doing a lot of writing behind the scenes (like a lot ugh) and I realized that is no way for my book to get more readers or views if I'm doing everything where no one else can see! 

I've been spending a lot of time editing my book on my own and having others help me with the editing. It's a slow process but progress is progress! But more importantly I've been really trying to focus on the Outline of the sequel! It's in works, people, I promise!

But I decided instead of creating a completely new book on wattpad I'll just keep adding onto this one! Especially since the title to the sequel is a work in progress. I thought I had the title but it wasn't really all that thought out and it was just all bad.

Anyway! Slowly but surely we're getting places! Once I'm ready to present HWT to an editor that'll be one step closer to actually getting published. And that's always been the goal, regardless of the amount of reads I have. 

I'm rambling, I know. The whole point is just to let you guys know that the sequel is coming out slowly and I will be adding it onto this book. The plan is to just write without looking back and then focus about making it look pretty when it's done. It seemed to work for HWT because I was able to finish that one! Anyway, just a quick reminder as well, THE TITLE IS STILL PENDING FOR THE SEQUEL SO PLEASE KEEP THAT IN MIND.

As always, you guys rock. <3

p.s. ummmm HWT was 4th in #cagefighter? that's WiLD. 

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