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*Bradley's POV*

"I did everything I could to save him." The stupid oaf of human said to me for the thousandth time.

I stared at the body as blood continued to slowly drain from his abdomen.

"Sir?" I took in a deep breath to settle my temper.

"Tony, if you continue to speak I will make sure that you don't see a dime of that money my idiot son owes you."

I was pleased to see that somehow that had done the trick. That had finally shut him up. It was amazing how money could truly persuade anyone it chose to.

Kneeling down to stare at the opened eyes of my moronic son, I could see, even in death, that he had lost his mind way before I would have hoped. I could see it in his glazed over expression that the madness had finally taken over because of his unsought out and reckless plans, he had seen his demise much too early. I stood back up, disgusted at the sight of what my son had done to himself, straightening my suit as I did.

Thomas, my only child, was meant to find greatness beside me. He had been meant to rise to the top towards victory in any way possible but it was clear that he had chose his opponent incorrectly.

Nova Ryder, though weak and broken, was not someone that should have been underestimated. Besides the raw natural talent he had for fighting he was the most dangerous kind of person there is – he was someone that believed they had something to fight for. Which I'm sure was true but there was only so far that love could take a person, I would know.

I turned away from the bleeding mass when something metallic caught my attention. Glistening by the light of the moon, sitting picture perfectly by my only son, was the gun that surely killed him. I felt my teeth grind up against each other as I recognized the pistol.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Nova?" I asked handing him the pen and paper. I had made my assistant make up an actual contract to make the deal more biding.

He didn't answer, he didn't even blink, as he took the pen and sold his life away to me.

"Ryder!" Neither of us blinked when one of my other fighters burst through my office doors. "It's Dani!"

It had taken him a total of 5 seconds to realize that his pathetic little girlfriend was in trouble. It took him 3 more seconds to decide to take the gun that sat on top of my desk and run out the room.

My son was killed by my own gun, as I imagined he would have been regardless if it was in the hands of someone else.

I picked up the gun and examined it.

One shot. It had taken him all but one shot. My son was killed by a street rat with nothing but a bullet. I bit the inside of my cheek as my vision slowly tainted itself a strange crimson shade. A street rat. killed. my. son.

I let myself feel every ounce of fury as I walked towards the edge of the rooftop. Below, I could see the kids, the same kids who had killed my son only minutes ago, attempted to make their way across the road without falling.

It would have been so easy to take the gun in my hand and kill them all where they stood but I knew there was no satisfaction in that. I knew if I was going to avenge my son, I would have to do it the right way.

"Tony, what is rule number two for The Hit?" I asked as I watched them climb into a car.

I watched as Tony trembled and over thought the question before answering, "Once you are a fighter, you can never leave, sir?"

"Do you think Ryder has decided to leave us?"

I didn't have to look at him to hear the way he gulped, "Yes sir, I do."

I turned to look at brainless troll that stood feet away from me and stared at him with a smirk. I knew exactly the way I would be able to use him to my advantage.

"Then we'll have to make sure that he learns, first hand, what happens when you decide to leave The Hit."

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