Chapter 32 - Happiness is Persistent

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Nova's POV

My thoughts raced all night long. I wasn't tired anymore. I paced the entirety of the room and debated with myself on whether I should go see Dani right away or just wait until tomorrow. Almost every last bit of me wanted so badly to bolt out the front door and rush to Dani to explain everything that just happened before anything got out of hand but the one part, the logical side of my brain, knew that would only scare her. What kind of maniac comes charging down the street, banging on the door to explain something that's happened to them?

So I paced all night. I thought of different things that could distract me but nothing worked. All that ran through my head was the look that Dani would give me if she were to see that picture without any kind of explanation.

I grabbed the roots of my hair in frustration, "Arrgghh!" I felt the need to hit something but I knew I couldn't damage the room without Angie throwing the biggest fit if she ever saw.

I was stuck.

I threw myself onto the bed with a huff. I had promised Dani that I would make sure that I would do everything in my power to make her safe and happy, I could only hope that she would still believe that.

"Please, don't believe them, Dani." I begged at the ceiling, hoping that somehow she would be able to hear me. "I don't want to lose you too."

I woke up the next morning drenched in sweat, trying to catch my breath. It felt as if someone had just been sitting on my chest. I sat there, panting deeply, as I waited for the panicked feeling to subside when I noticed the time.

"Shit.." I stared at the clock that flashed 11:03. My shift had started an hour ago and I was supposed to pick up Stella before that. "Shit! I shot out of the bed, grabbed my work clothes and keys and dashed for the door.

I had never been more grateful for the truck I was given than in this moment. I practically jumped the entirety of the stairs and raced for the truck. I wasted no time to check if there was anyone behind me when I pulled out, burning rubber, leaving tire marks and raced out of the motel.

"Fuck. Shit. Fuck." Now was the debate on whether or not I should go to Penny's house first or if I should go straight to the diner.

I raced down the streets, barely stopping at the stop signs and gripped onto the steering wheel as hard I could. Stella was with Penny. Penny was never late in opening The Diner. Stella would be there.

I arrived at the Diner in a panic. "Please be there, Stella. Please, please, please." I almost ran the car into a wall that separated the diner's parking lot and the freeway before slamming on the breaks. I didn't make sure that the car door shut all the way and I'm almost positive that I put a crack in the glass door when I slammed it.

Penny looked at me from the podium, startled at the noise but when she quickly realized it was me, she smiled. I gasped for air with my hands on my knees.

"Penny- I am – so sorry." I inhaled at almost every word.

"Honey, I used to waitress this entire place by myself without the help of anybody. I think I can handle myself for an hour." She threw me a wink. I threw her a shaky smile in return.

"Besides, you've never been late a day since you've started working here. Even when you didn't have a car. I'm not angry. And it's not me you should be apologizing to." She tilted her head to the back of the Diner and I knew instantly who she was referring to. I nodded my head when I finally caught my breath. "But let's not make this a habit, yeah?" She walked past me and gave me a quick clap on my shoulder.

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