Chapter 5

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Audrey sat on her bed, wet hair hanging over her shoulders, dripping onto her night shirt. The black dress that still smelled like beer lay on the floor. In front of her sat a bulky computer and she brushed her hand along the keyboard to wake it up.

The sky was dark outside and her windows were wide open letting in any breeze that wandered passed. The computer came to life and in the top right of the screen sat the inbox icon that announced she had one new message. She quickly clicked on it, though part of her wanted to sleep and save the information for later that day. The document that was attached to the message was large. Message said, information needed. Audrey smiled seeing the sender had been Ethan. She opened the attachment and started reading.

Lucas Charles Danes, born March 8, 1999 in Houston, Texas. Son to Buck and Susan Danes. Lucas spent most of his early years at one boarding school and the next, ending when he went to Townson Private school for his high school years. Buck Danes is one of the top oil barons in Texas his worth raising over 1.6 billion dollars. His family recently purchased a house on Long Island recently owned b...

Audrey's eyes lowered and her head fell to one side, she slumped on top of her pillows already asleep.


Audrey jolted awake at the sound of her alarm and looked around her head fuzzy, her eyes finding it hard to focus. She found her alarm clock and shut it off before laying back down on her bed, trying to stop her heart from pounding so loud. Her eyes moved around her room and landed on the still open computer in front of her. She shut the screen and pulled herself off the bed to put the computer safely back in the section of floor.

She moved around, half asleep changing into shorts and a running shirt. She threw her hair into a ponytail and grabbed her headphones and phone. Slipping into her shoes, she bounced downstairs and spotted an empty bowl in the sink. Peter was already awake and taking care of the horses. She stretched for a minute and then headed out her front door and down the pathway that led past the stables and out to the winding road.

Few cars passed her as she fell into her steady rhythm. No music played in her ears but she wore headphones to ward off anyone who would think of stopping her to say hi. Her thoughts floated to the information she read earlier and how Lucas was Lucas Danes son of a rich oil baron but still something tugged at Audrey's gut. She planned to go through the rest of the information with a fine tooth comb.

After coming to the edge of the neighborhood where the road met the freeway she turned around and headed back planning on making a detour on her way back. She passed mansion after mansion she as ran, tall fences made of gray stone or black iron separated her from the houses and blocked any view some people would try to get of the fancy homes.

She turned down an alley in between two large estates and could smell the ocean before she could see it. She looked to her right and saw the large red brick mansion that was now owned by the Danes and which previously had been owned by a former president.

Her eyes swept over the large manor looking for security cameras and guards. She stopped running and put her hands on her hips and kept walking, acting as if she was out of breath and taking a break when she merely wanted to observe all she could about the place.

A balcony circled the second story and stone pillars held it up. A large lawn encompassed the whole house and was surrounded by a stone fence that decreased in height the further away from the road it got. Cameras were positioned all over the roof and sides of the house, though there were a lot Audrey instantly saw three blind spots and wondered what other security they had to cover them.

She finally made it to the beach and walked along it her gaze moving to the backside of the mansion. The fence was not much higher than her thigh in the back and had a iron gate leading out to the beach. Her running shoes made slow progress in the uneven and shifting sand, she made her way closer to the waves and knew she could get more data when she went to the party the Danes threw. It was one that was mandatory for every new comer to go through in order to be accepted into the neighborhood.

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