Return to Argo

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So Supervalorians... this is a story that I have been working on since last season when Mon-el and Kara went to Argo city, I hope you enjoy this Minnie series.  

Kara and Mon-el were in their loft, packing away a few things so Alex could move in and rent out her apartment, so if Kara and Mon-el decided to come back they'd always have a home. They would be holding a fair well party there with all their friends from the DEO and Cat CO. Fair wells are hard, but not as hard as this one, when you move to a different city, or state , even country it doesn't take long to get there, and you have communication through social media, but when you move to somewhere in space you don't really have any contact at all, unless you have Winn shot as a friend, or you work for the DEO who has specialties technology to communicate with people in outer space.

Kara and Mon-el used J'hon's ship again to fly to Agro and arrived back on Argo for the first and last time. This chapter of their lives would be something different, they wouldn't have to on guard, all the time, they wouldn't worry about everyone else, but they would have to learn how to adjust how to live like an ordinary person. They wouldn't have any powers so they would have to be careful about themselves and most of all being the daughter of the great house of EL, and the former prince or Daxum there would be certain responsibilities, they would have to live up to.

When the two arrived in Agro city there were many people waiting, banners up waiting for the two to arrive and come and live in Argo city, for the rest of their lives.

"Look," Kara said as they looked out of the window. Mon-el smiled at Kara giving her a small pecan the lips, making her grin from ear to ear. The ship successfully landed and a guard came up to the door of the ship along with Alura opening it for them as they came out wearing the outfit Alura gave the two before they left back to earth the previous time.

As they stepped out fully onto Argo city grounds the crowd that had gathered rated cheering for the daughter of Alura Zor-el

"Welcome home," Alura said giving both Kara and Mon-el a hug, "Thank you mum" Kara replied with a smile. Then waving to the crowd. "Should we give them a kiss?" Kara asked Mon-el and her mother. Mon-el nodded happily, while Alura stepped out of the way so the crowd could see them.

"Let's get you to your room" Alura suggested as the two walked with her mum and Mon-el by her side hand in hand.

The walked through the rebuilt place of the great house of EL. "Mother, you live here all by your self?" Kara asked. Her mother sighed. "Mum?" She asked."When you get settled I want to show you where your father is buried" she said. "Mother that wasn't my question," Kara asked upset. "No my darling, but I want you to know that your father was my soul mate, the man here is just company, we don't share or do anything" she stated, giving relief to Kara. She nodded and followed her mum so she could show them to their room. Alura opens the door to reveal a very pristine room that was very simple. "I will get you two get settled, come down when your ready" Alura said and walked out, shutting the door behind her, Kara smiled at Mon-el, he smiled back. Kara walked over to the window that looked over at the city. She smiled. "did you ever look down at the people when you weren't a party daxumites and think, about how good you had it?" Kara asked Mon-el who walked up behind her, placing one had on her back. "I actually did" he replied. "You know that you have become a better man," Kara told him. "Thank you" he replied as they looked into each other's eyes. "Um we should probably go down to see my mum," Kara said and stepped away. Mon-el followed her they walked down the stairs in silence.

"Mother," Kara says. "Kara, Mon-el, this is my friend Sid," Alura says. "Please sit," she says, again Mon-el and kara sit next to each, yet far apart. "We are going to have a ceremony to welcome you two back, which will be tomorrow, evening. So until then be free to do what you want, roam around, I do know a certain boy who would really like to see you Mon-el' Alura said with a smile. Kara smiled at this, she didn't know why she stopped the kiss, she had wanted to kiss him since he got back from the future.

Kara and Mon-el went out for a walk around Argo city saying hello to all the people. "We have, I have been on guard my whole life, and not having that, not having powers to protect people, not having that ability not to get sick is going to be hard," Kara told Mon-el he nodded

"What's wrong?" Kara asked him

"Nothings wrong" he replied

"Mon-el," Kara replied, he sighed "I.. I guess been back on Argo, makes me think of Daxum," he told Kara, Kara sighed "I'm sorry," she said. "It's ok, you know my mother and father were the worst, I just wish that my life was as good as yours," Mon-el told Kara. The two stopped, looked at each other again. "Mon I care about you," Kara said. "I care about you to" he replied "Let's go back," Kara said with a smile.

They arrived back where they were saying to see people rushing around doing things for tomorrow. "Kara, Mon-el we are having dinner out," Alura told the pain they nodded and headed up to their room. They didn't realize about their living arrangement, but they had slept in the same bed before, so why wouldn't it be the same. They cleaned up and went back down to see Alura waiting for them.

So this is the first chapter what do you think ???? 

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