Zi, Yes

735 26 10

hey, supers here is another chapter so... I'm thinking that I will update two parts every week either on Saturday or Sunday :) anyways enjoy. 

Authors POV

Mon-el pulled Kara into the lovely indoor garden. "Mon where are we going?" Kara questioned "just come with me please," He asked Kara smiled and nodded her head, he took her hand and co to her to walk. Once they arrived into the garden, they walked into the middle mom-el turned her around so he was facing her he smiled at her "What ?" He questioned "I know I say this all the time, but your so beautiful, and well I love you," Mon-el said with a cheeky smile. Kara chuckled a little. "Umm that chuckle, that smile, I love it all and well I want it all, so will you marry me, on Argo city and earth?" Mon-el asked. Kara was shocked, she knew she was going to get married and well they had talked about it days before. Kara nodded grabbing his face and kissing him "Yes" she said In Kryptonian language. The two smiled and kissed again, Mon-el slipped the box, out of his pocket opening it to reveal a simple yet elegant ring, for Kara. She covered her mouth. "It's beautiful, but how you can only find this rock on Argo" Kara questioned "well your mother said it was your grandmothers," he said taking it out and slid on her finger. "I love it," she said in Kryptonian language, smiling giving him a passionate kiss. "Umm ok so I know we usually have big gatherings for these types things but I want to keep this private you know for at least a day or two so we can just soak it all in" Mon-el said "umm I like your idea" Kara replied kissing him, they spent the morning just laying in the garden looking up at all the bird flying. "We have to call Alex once everyone else knows," Kara said as she looks up at Mon-el. "Umm yes," he said giving her a kiss on the temple. They laid there for a minute enjoying the time before everyone hassled them about the news that would get around quite quickly in the town of Argo.

After laying there for a few minutes the two walked back, hand in hand but not looking too suspicious. "Umm I really wanna give them a show, but I know that you don't," mon-el said to Kara, she giggled. "Umm, maybe a little peek wouldn't be that bad, maybe a short kiss. But not too long because that Mr is going going to have to wait till tonight" Kara said smiling at him. "I really like the sound of that" mon-el replied the two kissed in front of the twos people and walked back to Alura's place. The two walked into the living room where did and Alura where holding hands, "Mother what's going on with you and did" Kara asked Melissa. "Darling I know you love your father, and he died, and I want to move on" Alura started. "It's ok, I understand, Mon-el and I will be upstairs, we will see you are dinner," Kara said smiling walking upstairs, with Mon-el behind her nodding at Alura, smiling. She returned the smile and continued to talk to Sid.

Kara and Mon-el walked through the door to, Kara pulled Mon-el her to the bed, kissing him vigorously and passion, wanting to consummate their engagement. They laid in bed, smiling at each, "We should probably get ready for dinner, and announce the engagement to your mum" Mon-el said smiling as he rubbed her bare arms, as she cuddled into his chest hearing his heartbeat. "Umm no, I want to stay here all night" she responded. "Ok, well we can but we need food to refuel our bodies" Mon-el said smiling "Ok, I guess" Kara replied as she sighed loudly, as there was a knock at the door, Kara, darling I can't find Mon-el, its time for dinner come down when your ready" her mum said walking away, allowing the two to get ready, Kara not knowing that she knew about the engagement already.

Kara and Mon-el walk down to the main dining area where Alura and Sid where sitting on one side of the table so Kara and Mon-el could sit in front of them. The caretakers brought them their food, and set it down in front of them, Kara realizing that her rings were showing, "So Kara How was your day with Mon-el" Alura questioned. "I took Mon-el to my favorite garden," Kara said "oh very nice, is there anything else that happened, looking down at Kara" left hand. "Oh yes, um..... well Mon-el proposed to me today" she said looking at Mon-el, smiling "and I said yes, however, we don't want to tell anyone until tomorrow evening for an Umm what is it, an Umm dinner with many people" Kara explained trying to figure out what it actually was. "Of course, we can organize our that," Alura said "Now let's start dinner" she continued As they all said 'Cheers'. The dinner was filled with talking about Argo sitting and how they would organize a dinner for everyone, but it was all too much for Kara, she liked things simple, it was going to hard since she is the descent from Zor-el. "Excuse me," Kara said getting up walking away from the table and the conversation. Mon-el started to get up when Alura got up, "I'll go get her," she said. Leaving Sid and Mon-el at the table. "So what're your intentions with Kara?" Sid asked Mon-el starting a very uncomfortable conversation for Mon-el.


"Kara Darling, can I come in," Alura asked knocking on the door of her and Mon-el's room.

"Yeah," she said softly, Alura came in to see Kara sitting on the edge of her bed. She walked over and sat down next to her. "Kara darling, what's wrong?" Alura asked. "I love that you want to through a big dinner for me, and I would like one too, but be this high ranking person, isn't me, and I just want it small, not too many people, Me as Kara on earth I like to keep things simple and not big at all" Kara explained. "Ok, well how about you invite people that you want and we can make it as big or small as you like, however, I would like you to be married in front of everyone in the city" Alura said, Kara knew that she would have to do that it was tradition, so she agreed that is she was allowed to have a quiet engagement. The was a knock at the door, it opened. "May I come in?" A male voice asked. "Sure Mon-el, I will go help Sid clean up," Alura said as she walked passed Mon-el patting him on the shoulder. He walked in and sat next to Kara who immediately laid her head on his shoulder. "Are you ok?" He asked her as he rubbed her back. "Umm better, I'm just, not used to the attention as Kara, I just, I want people to know but I like more of the small gatherings, not big and have everyone know everything about me," Kara said sighing. "Yeah, I will be right by your side this whole time, holding your hand ok, and I don't want a big gathering either," he said and kissed her forehead.

There you go see you next week. 

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