her screams pain me

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Authors POV

Kara and Mon-el decided to bye a bigger with three bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, and living area. Their new apartment the was conveniently between the DEO and Cat CO.

"Ok Babe, you can open the door," Mon-el Told his wife, they had a small ceremony on earth with their family and friends where they announced they were pregnant. The two found out they were having twins, they mew what they were having, but they wanted to keep it from everyone, which mean Alex wasn't allowed to take the ultrasound, so they had one of the other Med's doctors do the ultrasound.

"Mon, please, stop let me open my eyes," Kara said chuckling. "Ok," he says helping Kara through the door, "Open," he tells her. He filmed her reaction as she opened her eye's to the twins ceremony. "Babe, I love it," she said looking around the light blue room, they were having a boy and a girl and didn't want to genderize. "Good, so our boy will stay here and our girl with go here, and the best part is, is that we can move the cots so they can be together," Mon-el said excited making me chuckle a little. "I can't believe you did all this, oh thank you, I love it and I love you" Kara tell him giving him a kiss.

Kara was 8 and a half month pregnant and she wasn't happy about it, she thought it would have been better on Argo but when she somehow contacted her mother with the help of Wyn and his tech skills she told her that it would have been the same. Her and Mon-el were sitting on the couch cuddling up for most probably the last time since Alex wanted her staying at the DEO for the remainder of the time in case she was to give birth earlier. "You know that this might be the last time in this apartment," Kara said Smiling. "Umm yeah, we should probably get some sleep while we can," Mon-el said laughing, making Kara laugh, holding her stomach. "stop that actually hurts when I laugh," she told mon-el. "What are you ok?" He asked getting all dramatic. "Yeah I'll be fine, but your right we should probably get some sleep" she replied yawning, getting up, and walking to the bedroom, but stopping and groaning. "babe, it's not the time to be pulling jokes," he said, as Kara knelt down on the floor. "Kara, Kara what's wrong," he asked worriedly. "D... E.. O.. owwwwwwww" Kara explained. He nodded. "Ok stay there I shall get everything, its all packed" Mon-el said running around getting everything, Kara nodded staying on the floor. Mon-el picked up Kara and flew her to the Deo.


"What's wrong," Dana asked. "She's having pains," Mon-el said "Ahh, Alex, I need Alex" Kara groaned. Dana nodded. "take her to the med bay" Dana explained. Mon-el took her orders and took her to the Med-bay, hey laid her down on the bed, caressing her face. "Breath, ok remember the human birthing classes we took" Mon-el stated making Kara laugh. Alex rushed into the room with two other doctors and Dana. "Hi Kara, what's wrong," Alex asked "I don't know just in pain" Kara responded crunching her face. "Where you know?" Alex asked. "No we were just sitting on 8the couch watching TV" Mon-el responded. Alex nodded putting on gloves. "Let's have a look," Alex said as she started to put gel on her stomach.

"Ok, well you water hasn't broken yet, so it might be preterm labor, let's have a look if your dilated" Alex told her. She nodded as another waved of pain caused Kara to scream in pain. "Ok, Kara your dilated half a centimeter," Alex said taking off her gloves "What is that all" she groaned in annoyance. "Yep, you won't have them till tomorrow possible even till the day after," Alex stated making Kara groan again in annoyance. Alex laughed "you will be fine," Alex said walking out of the room. Kara nodded her head Mon-el sat down next to her. He pushed hair off her face. He kissed her forehead and allowed her to rest.


Mon-el's POV

It had only been 3 hours and Kara's screams of pain became more intense and worse.

Her scream pierced my ears and her words made me laugh, honestly I think she made her self laugh too. "you ass hole, you did this to me, what is it fucking hurting so much" she tells me. "Umm because I love your body" I responded making her laugh a little. "Mon, get Alex this doesn't feel right," She tells me and I see it in her eye's. "Ok, I'll get her," I tell her, and I hear her scream, making me flinch. "Alex, somethings wrong, I know she'in a lot of pain and her water has broken, but those screams aren't good," I say, she looked at me. "We are keeping an eye on her, just stay with her ok" Alex said annoyed at me, even though it was the second time that I had come out to her, so if she wasn't going to come I was going to bring in a device that Alura gave Kara and I if they were in any trouble.

"Ok, Alex won't listen so I hope your mum will," I said walking into the room, Kara walking around. "Kara, what are you doing?" I asked. "It's helping," She told me holding her back. I help her sit down on the bed. "Where's Alex?" She asks me talking a deep breath. "She says she has been keeping an eye on you, but I brought this device. "We will call your mother and she can help us," I tell her as I point the device out opening it up to her mother who thankfully answered. "Mon-el is everything ok?" She asked. "Um, Kara is in labor and in a lot of pain," I told Alura. "Kara hone your fine, ok, how far along is she?" Alura asked "it's being about two hours since her water broke," Mon-el explained, "Ok, it can happen quite quickly for you are even if you are having twins." Alura told her daughter. Kara nodded as another wave of pain came over her and for some reason, I knew something was really wrong so I just pressed the button until someone came. I helped Kara as I saw that she wasn't looking good, as soon as her head hit the pillow in the bed her eyes started to give was and her eye's rolled back. "Alura what do I do" I asked desperately, looking back and forth at the Machine, Kara and Alura and the window to see if anyone else was coming "HEEEELLLP For the love of fucking god someone help" I yelled out, "Mon-el Chill, now what's wrong" Alex asked calmly, not realizing that her sister was in a lot of trouble. "Alex I've been calling someone for the last 5 minutes, her eyes have rolled back if I lose her is on you" I yelled at well my sister now I guess. 

Sorry i just really wanted to make an intense moment with Alex and Mon-el 

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