Waking up together

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Hello, supervalorians. its the 2nd of December, which means Christmas is near? should I do a Christmas story ?? probably an AU? let me know in the comments below. Anyways here is the next chapter enjoy.  if you don't celebrate Chrismas you don't have to read it. 

Mon-el got shown into one room, while Kara was taken into another room, quickly brought, into her room where she was taken by another maid "do you need to use the bathroom?" she asked Kara nodded. The maid pushed Kara into the bathroom so She could do her business. Once she came out she was overwhelmed with the number of people who were serving and taking care of her.

"Are you excited about the announcement" one of the maids asked.

"What announcement, I mean I know this is about me and the former prince of Daxum's homecoming but I don't know about an announcement" Kara stated.

"She doesn't know, hush," another one said. Putting down one of her maids.

"It's ok, I will be quiet and act surprised," Kara said giving her a wink. "Thank you miss Zor-el." She replied "please call me Kara," Kara responded. The young maid nodded with a smile.

Once Kara was ready with some makeup on a beautiful dress that looked like her mother's. The young maid that was helping Kara earlier came over once again. "Would you like anything else?" she asked Kara. "No thank you but I would like to have a chat to you, everyone else can leave" Kara spoke. Everyone else bowed and walked out, leaving Kara with the young maid.

"Don't let them boss you around, you don't seem like the kind of person to be bossed around, I would want you to help me because I don't want people who are going to think they are lower then me" Kara explained. She nodded with a smile. Once the ceremony is over go to my mother, and say that Kara wants me as her friendly maid and trust me I won't make you do everything" Kara tells her, she smiles again, waking out to see the other maids whispering.

Kara's POV

I walked out to see my mother and Mon-el.

"Kara, darling you look amazing," mum said with a smile, taking my head and giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"You look beautiful," Mon-el said making me blush. He held out his arm, I took it and we followed my mum, where we stood by the door and she explained what was going to happen.

We walked out on to the crowd cheered as myself and Mon-el walked out onto the balcony. We both smiled and waved.

"Hello Argo city, we are very lucky that my daughter and the former prince of Daxum are with us." My mother started. She continued to talk, while mon-el and I stood there smiling.

"So I am introducing your new leaders of Argo city." My mum said surprising me.

My mum moved to allow myself and Mon-el stepped up to the podium.

"Hi everyone, I would like to let you all know that we will continue to I guess rule the way my mother rules Argo city. I hope to see you all out and about" I said with a smile. Walking back behind the closed doors.

We walked through the small palace and out into the open where I was now able to see all the people of Argo city before we apparently go in for a dinner, which I hope mother thought of inviting some of I guess the people who have to work day and night to feed their families.

Mon-el and I walked out and said yellow to the crowd, Mon-el was especially very friendly to some of the children, and when we both came across Val, we asked if him and his mother would like to join us, as guest for our dinner, we told them that we would help them get ready and that they didn't need to do anything to repay us.


Mon-el and I sat at the front of the table while Mum and her friend Sid sat down opposite each other, I could see that there was clearly something going on between them. Before we say down mum told Mon-el and I what we were expected to say, and what we expected to do.

"Hello, my friends it's so good to see you. Welcome to our first dinner together, as I said before myself and Mon-el are going to continue to rule the way my mother has been ruling." I started "I would like to thank you for welcoming me back to my home planet, living on earth have given me so much and I have learned too much about my self, but for now, let's enjoy our dinner" I finished as we all continue to eat our dinner.

As dinner went on, I was getting very bored, I was just sitting there while people were asking questions and my mother was answering them for me. I decided to excuse myself walking out of the room been followed by Mon-el. We walked out into the balcony the looked to the back of the city. I sighed as he wrapped his arms around me. "What wrong?" He asked me. "I don't think I'm ready to take on been a leader, all my ways everything that I learned on earth, won't apply here" I explained. Your mum is just trying to help, you will be a great leader, I know that let's go enjoy the rest of the dinner" Mon-el Suggested. The two walked back into the room filled with people, who were now laughing "what the hell is going on" I asked mon-el shrugged  "Why don't we head upstairs you look tired" mon-el suggested I smiled and we walked out of the room unnoticed, thankfully. We got into our room, I sat on the bed, Mon-el came and sat down beside me. "How are you feeling about all of this?" Mon-el asked me. "Yeah, just. It's a lot mean I'm taking over Argo city, I'm expected to get married and have a child, I mean I've wanted to have children but it's all happening to fast"I explained. "We are in this together you said that you would rather marry me then someone you didn't know" mon-el replied with a small laugh pushing a strand of hair away from my face to behind my ear. We smile at each other. "Unzip me," I said as I turn my back to him. "What?" He questioned. "I'm uncomfortable" I replied. "Oh, um of course," mon-el said and started to move my hair away from my zip, as his hand touched the skin of my neck I felt a shiver down my spine. I felt his lips touch my neck, I smiled I leaned back, his hands moved the dress down from my shoulders down as he kissed me down my back I laid down on my stomach, as he crawled on top of me, he rolled me over kissing my neck and down my stomach as he pulled my dress down to my legs. I pushed him away. "Undress yourself," I told Mon-el he smiled jumping off the bed, unbuttoning one of his buttons from his shirt and taking it off and the; doing the same with his pants.

He crawled on top of me and started to kiss me once again going lower and lower until his lips came down to well my sensitive area, I smiled giggling. He looked up at me and smiled. Crawling back over to my face kissing my lips, again and again, pulling me closer to him until nothing could come between us.

Morning broke we woke up in each other's arms yet again, I smiled looking at him as he looked down at me. "Let's get up and actually do something. Go out I wanna take you out on a proper date if we are to get married." Chris said with a smile looking at me. "I'd like that" I reply smiling we both get out of bed, have a shower and head downstairs.

"Morning mum, the morning did," I said Mon-el just nods his head. "Mom-el Kara please sit down. I'm sorry about last night, it was meant to be about you" my mother said. "It's ok," I said with a smile. "When were you going to tell us about, the two of us," Mon-el asked "you two were always going to get married, before Krypton exploded a few months before we organized for yuh to be meet and join our planets" Mother said. I was shocked I thought he was much older. "I was 12," I said shocked my mother was disappointed as was Mon-el.

"I know and we didn't want it to happen, but now look at you too," She said really trying to avoid the topic. "Um mon-el and I were going to go out today," I said. "Lovely, have a wonderful day," Mum said as Mon-el and I walked out, and into the streets, we walked around before mom-el pulled me aside down the lonely 

There it is. the age gap between the two was going be I feel 5 years, therefore, he would be 16. 

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