Argo isn't our home.

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Here's the new part. 

Kara's POV

We weren't going to tell everyone only a select people of the city, mother wanted only the council to no, but because it was Mon-el and I going home back to earth we would tell people that we wanted to so we would go out into the city center and get everyone's attention and tell them that Argo is where I was born but it isn't my home, earth is. Mon-el and I both had breakfast and then headed out to the city center. As we walked around I told Chris that I wanted to wait till our wedding day to say that we would be going back to earth for a few weeks and so were able to figure out if we wanted to live there or on Argo, he agreed, it wasn't that far way the wedding would be in two weeks, so were were able to travel back to earth while not risking it for the baby.

"Hi everyone, may I have your attention" I started not everyone was caught by my attention, however, there were enough people, so I continued, Mon-el and I have made the decision even though this is where I grew up, I do not feel like it is home to me, earth is. After our wedding we will be heading back to earth and continue to come back here to see you all" I said, smiling Mon-el helped me down from the step I was standing on and continued to walk into the crow of people that were infant of me, telling them that on earth we have special technology where we are able to connect and talk to my mother and the people of Argo.

"Mon-el" I heard Val say "Hi buddy," Mon-el says "Hi Kara," he says smiling "Are you really going back to earth?" Val asked, I looked at Mon-el, we both bent down. "Yeah bud we are, but maybe one day you can come to visit us, and you can have this amazing thing call ice cream, or oh umm are they called Twizzlers Kara?" Mon-el said to Val making him laugh, "Yep" I said, and guess what on earth us Kryptonians we can fly" I told him making his face light up. His mother told him they had to go, and for the first time, he hugged me, then Mon-el. We headed back to mum's home with no one else stopping us, thankfully.

For the rest of the two weeks, we had together before we got married, Mon-el and I still acted like a newly together couple, loving each others company. We walked around Argo, exploring as well as doing a lot of the wedding planning where we would have the ceremony and where we would of the receptions and I honestly think to have it in the center of Argo city where everyone is welcome, many of the high council weren't too pleased about it, however, I told them that I'm the daughter of the dearly departed great house of EL, and it's my wedding so I should be able to decide where I want it. I'm not a brat ok, I just thought it would be nice if all the people of Argo city get to see the celebration, not just the higher people and council.

It was one more week the big day, and I went for my last dress fitting, it was in my mother's room where I kept the dress, and it was the very first dress I tried on and the one the Mon-el Picked out. "I can't believe it's next week" I tell my mum as a smooth down the light blue dress, it flowed down to the floor, I asked if I could have the sleeves taken off, and made into a small cover that I could put on if I get cold, making the dress strapless. "it looks beautiful, and not to be picky but you can't see your bump" Mum tells me, I nod and look at my self in the mirror. As I was observing my self there was a knock at the door. "Who is it?' Mum called out "Mon-el, is Kara in here?" He asks I quickly hide in the closet and yell out "I'll be out in a minute". "Ok," he replies. One of the maids helps me get out of the dress and hands me my clothes as I walk out and See Mon-el. "Hi sorry I was just trying on my dress for the last time," I tell him with a smile. "Oh ok, good, we have the reservation remember," he tells me "Oh yes, mum, we won't be home till late tonight," I tell her and head out with Mon-el.

Mon-el and I went out on a day date, for alone time, we went out into the wood secluded area or Argo city so we could just be alone with each other, with one there to ask us questions and ask for wedding plans. 

Ok, So the last three chapters two maybe time jumped? what would you like them to be? D Kara has the baby? Get married? Both or a few years in the future? it's up to you !! 

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