Real Mates

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Hey guys so I have 5 chapters to upload, and I shall do that today and tomorrow, but not sure if I will be able to get the pictures down 

Authors POV

Today was the day for Kara and Mon-el they would become mates for real, they would become one in front of the council and a few of the people of Argo City. Mon-el was really trying to act calm but on the Inside, he was scared as fucked he was so nervous that his stomach was churning. Kara was also nervous, on top of that she had terrible morning sickness. Kara had her make up done and it was now time for her hair, although she would have to have some of her make up done again since a lot of it came off when she puked. So she asked if she could have a little break and just lay down for a little bit.

After a good hours rest Kara got up and was ready to go, they got her hair and makeup done at the same time, thankfully they had a bit of time, so she could read before putting her dress on. Kara stood there looking at her dress for the final time looking at her self. "Oh darling, Mon-el gave me this to give to you, he wants you to wear it, he told me that you gave it to him to keep him safe" Alura said giving Kara her necklace back. "Yeah, I did" she replied as she allowed her mother to put it on her. She touched the necklace that was now back on her neck. "You look beautiful Ms. Zor El" one of the maids said that have become friends with Kara. "Than you" she replied.


It was time she was waiting behind the doors of the balcony where they to be wed. Her mother was with her standing by her Side so she was able to give away her daughter. The maids opened the door to the balcony, Mon-el was facing out to the people or Argo, while Kara walked a short distance towards him, she arrived at his side, and turned to her looking at her about to cry. "You look beautiful," he said smiling, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you" she replied, "You don't look so bad your self," she tells him, he smiles and the ceremony starts, they go through the whole Kryptonian marriage before Kara and Mon-el said their own vowels.

"Mon-el and Kara have decided to go non-traditional and write their own vowels." The minister said.

"Kara, when we first met, we got off to a rocky start, but when we both got to know each other we became friends, the reason why I fell involve with you is that you saw behind my selfishness. I love everything about you, your kind, you're honest to a fault, you care and fight for everyone that you care for. You made me a better person and I thank you for that. I will love you every day for the rest of our very long lives on earth." Mon-el Spoke smiling into Kara's watery comet blue eyes

"Kara," the minister asked, she nodded

"Mon-el even though a lot of these people think of you still as a selfish ignorant person, I do not, you have made me so happy, we have gone through a lot together, and I love you every day I loved seeing you become a better person. I can't wait to live the rest of our long lives back on earth and keep being a hero with you" Kara spoke smiling making Mon-el's eyes water. Kata places her hand on his face and wipes away the tears.

For the last part of the ceremony, the minister did the last part in Kryptonian.
"Mon-el Lar-Gand do you take Kara Zor-el to be your wife," he asked Mon-el "I Do" mon-el replied smiling "Kara Zor-el, do you take Mon-el Lar-Gand to be your husband," he asked Kara. "I do," she said.

"With the power vested in me, and the great gods of Krypton that reminds Argo city, you are now husband and wife Mate and Mate, Mon-el you may kiss your bride," he said Mon-el Grabbed Kara by her waist, pulling her in, kissing her deeply and tenderly. The two looked out to the city of Argo, smiling and waving at the citizens. The minister and the two newlywed couple walked back inside before going down to greet them and have a festival for the newlyweds.

It was a week later and they had to leave since if he didn't leave well today she would have to have the baby On Argo, but because the two are used to earth it wouldn't affect her, and the baby either.

Next chapter should be up soon. 

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