years past.

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Hey, Supervalorians this is the final really crappy Chapter, it was very hard to write this because I wasn't quite sure how to wrap the story up. This ironically is the final book for the year until next week or should I say next year ;) 

5 years later

"Amelia, Felix, how many times have we said not to use your powers?" Mon-el told his 5 year old twins. "We want to be like mummy," Felix said. "Yes, we want to fly, I want a suit like Mummy's, and Felix wants a suit like you," Amelia told her dad.

"umm ok well you need to control them because you start school next week, and we don't want your teaches calling us wondering how amazing you are at maths and all the other subjects," Mon-el said making his kids laugh. "Is that why we are going to a privet school" Felix asked "No, well yes, your going to a privet school because of our jobs, Mum is one of the tops reporters along with your aunt Louis and uncle Clark in National City and Metropolis" Mon-el explained as he put on his kids jumpers and helped them with their shoes so they could head off to the DEO. Every since their 5th birthday a month ago, their powers have become active so Kara said that they should get a hold of their powers before sending them off to Preprimary. "Daddy do we have to wear glasses like you and mummy?" Felix asked. "No Felix, unless you want to but your mother and I decided on something different Amelia is going to wear a necklace, and you Felix can either wear a bow tie, or glasses" Mon-el explained Felix nodded, maybe glasses, or what about a bracelet it could sit what I'm allergic too" Felix suggested. "Umm that's a good idea," Mon-el said looking in the revision mirror, smiling at his kids.

The arrived at the DEO the kids running to their mother. "Felix, Amelia" Kara said as she picked up her kids. "Mummy, when do we get to start flying," Felix asked "how about... Now?" She asked "Yeaaaassssss," Amelia said jumping up and down causing the building to shake. "Oops," she said making everyone look at Kara and her kids, they didn't mind Felix and Amelia but occasionally they got in the way.


"The Kids are asleep," Mon-el said walking up to Kara as she was proofreading an article that one of her are reporters wrote. He gave her a kiss on the cheek. "What's wrong, normally your typing away and making side notes," he asked her. "Umm, no this is just a very good article" Kara responded. "My new reporter she's amazing I can't see anything that needs changing," Kara told her husband. "umm well, in that case, come to bed with me," he told her, kissing her neck rubbing her shoulders. "Umm I still need to do two more articles before Christmas and also before the Amelia and Felix go to school because we are going to Argo to see mum before they start school" Kara said filing the article to print, and going onto the next one. "umm, can you please use your super speed for this cause I really want some alone time" he begged. She sighed. "I will be there in two minutes," Kara said smiling getting ready to do her super speed, read through all the article and editing them.

Kara walked into their room to see Mon-el on the bed with his long PJ pants on and no shirt on making Kara smile... "Umm you know I've missed this body of yours, have you gotten stronger with holding Elia and Elix?" Kara asked him as she crawled onto the bed. "Maybe, do you like it?" He asked Kara, she nodded he smiled grabbing her pulling her on top of her kissing her.


"Ok Amelia and Felix time for school, come on we don't want to be late" Kara called out to her two babies that were going off to school.

Amelia and Felix came out in their uniforms, Amelia decided she wants to we are pants, not a skirt. Kara looked at them, and she started to cry. "you guys look so cute, Felix you look so much like your father, with the tie and glasses, and Amelia.." She started "You look like her a lot like your mother, your hair down, and the blue eye's. if any of the boys hurt you or try to hurt you tell them that your dad's one of the top FBI special agents" Mon-el said making Amelia smile. "Don't worry dad I'll protect her?" Felix said placing his arm around her. She smiled and hugged him.

The family of four walked into the school, Amelia and Felix holding they're onto their mum while holding each other's hands behind Kara making it very hard for her to walk, thankfully Mon-el was holding the bags.

"Elia and Elix let go," Kara said bending down. "I know it's your first day, all by your selves but you have each other" Kara told them as Mon-el placed their bags down "and remember don't use your powers" he said quietly "Don't take the necklace off or your glasses off ok" he continued they nodded "Good, go put your bags and we will do inside," Kara said smiling standing up, seeing mums standing at her and Mon-el. "Hi," Kara and Mon-el said smiling and waving. "Mum, dad come on," they both said pulling them into their classroom. Amelia and Felix stayed connected teach other for the whole day, they were the youngest in the class, yet the teacher was very surprised at how advanced they are as 5 years old when they told them that both of their parents were like that as kids too it made sense.

After a long day at school, Mon-el went to pick them up, in his off-duty FBI wear making a lot of them mum's stare at him. they ran out of class to him, he picked their bags up and walked away taking them home.


"Babe I'm home" Kara called out to an empty home "Mon, Elia, Elix?" Kara called out walking further into the home. Then to be bombarded with flour balloons. She smiled, she hadn't had this in a very long time, she hadn't missed them grow up, although she had been home in a while, with working and having two new paid interns messing everything up, plus Supergirl being really busy it's been hard since Mon-el has been doing the whole dropping of the kids things.

"Ohhhhh...... were's fine this isn't fair," she said. She raced through the upgraded penthouse apartment grabbing her kids tickling them making them laugh.

"How have you been I've missed you," she said giving them both a kiss. "We miss you too" Amelia replied smiling "Have you had dinner?" She asked "We were waiting for you to come home" Felix replied she looked at her watch at it was 7:30 "Ok babe, can you go get dinner so I can have some time with the kids?" Kara asked Mon-el he nodded and went to go get dinner. "Ok when he gets back we do the same," she says smiling they nodded.

After hearing about her kids week she realized she didn't want to miss any more of it, making her rethink taking on two new paid interns that didn't know what to do, she had thought about putting up her cape for a while but with Louis and Clark also expecting again and having to travel to Argo again it wasn't an option. Kara also didn't want to miss out on the life of her new secret surprise addition coming into the family very soon. 

THE END !!!!!!!! 

MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY HOLIDAYS, HAPPY HANUKKAH ?? were ever you live I hope you all have a very nice holiday season, remember that there are so many people out there that may not have a home or family, let's take a minute to see how blessed we are all are to have amazing things. 

Thank you all so much for the support you have given me this year, it started off with one story, that one of my friends told me to post and it turned out to be something amazing. You all have made this year so amazing thank you I am very grateful for your support. 

happy holiday Supervalorxox is out for the year ... see you next year - next week... haha sorry I had to say that. 

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