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Lief's POV........

Today was my first day of not working. I decided after talking to ms. Long that Liam and I needed some new clothes and I wanted to start buying clothes for the kids. I would add it to my storage unit and when we move the kids can just leave their clothes behind. I also wanted something nice to wear to graduation.

"I can not believe all of this." clover said as we loaded into my car. Her and Annalise were tagging along and of course she had loads of questions for me after Gerald paid her and her mom a visit. I told her everything like I always do. She wants to build a small house and adopt Carter the little boy that lives with us. They have always gotten along. So I called Gerald and made it happen. She doesn't know it but it's my gift to her for everything she has ever done for Liam and I.

"Me either but it's true." I said finally believing everything after reading all the papers last night.

"I'm so glad your not killing yourself every day now." Liam said.

"I still feel the need to work." I said passing Kingston and Cruz who was just sitting in his killer truck at a stop sign.

"Those two have been thick as thieves since KC has been back." Clover said.

"I like Cruz he's weird but I like him." Liam said making Annalise laugh and Clover and I chuckle but we would talk about this later. Liam doesn't like anyone and this is rare and I'm both happy and worried.

"He's a good guy, he uses to help me a lot when I was younger. I was always so small." Annalise said laughing.

"Your still small, babe." Clover said giggling.

"But we fit together just right." Annalise said smiling fondly at my best friend. I was a lot jealous of their love but not in a mad want to destroy kind of way. I would find it some day but not yet.

"Where here." I said breaking up the love fest going on in the back seat. Girls gross me out. But girl on girl kind of turns me on. I'm so weird.

"You brought us to a thrift shop?" Clover said shaking her head.

"For now I will still shop at this place. I'm not an Gucci kind of

guy." I said shrugging my shoulder.

"What kind of gay guy isn't a Gucci kind of guy?" Clover asked shaking her head making the rest of us laugh.

"This one." I sang.

"Unbelievable." A voice said.

"Hey Felicia, how are you?" Clover asked. I left them to chat as I headed for the formal wear.

Liam and I both tried on a lot of different things before finding the one thing we would wear to graduation. I picked out some clothes for the kids and Liam and I. There was a Goodwill next door so Liam and I headed there while Clover and Annalise made out in my car.

I know the house was fully stocked but I wanted to add our own with some of the stuff we like. I found a few wolf statues, a wolf coffee cup and a couple pictures. I know I live in a town of werewolves and my favorite animal is a wolf. Liam's is a bear so what we found of bear items we also bought. I found some toys that the kids would like and some more clothes for all of us along with a couple of bookshelves I would have to tie down to the roof of my car. I bought four bikes that I would fit into the trunk some how. I needed two more one for

Liam and I.

As we was leaving I spotted Kingston and Cruz talking to Clover and Annalise. Great. Well maybe this could work out to my favor. I could have him take the bookshelves and bikes.

"Finally." clover said making us all laugh.

"Hush girl, I was only in there for twenty minutes if that." I said handing her a bag.

"Um.... how are you going to fit all of that in this car?" Annalise asked as one of the store clerks brought out three of the four bikes. Liam was behind him with a bookshelf.

"Easy." I said smiling.

"I'm not sitting in Liam's lap again because you bought to much. Your ass can ride of the hood and I'll drive." clover yelled making me and Liam laugh.

"The bookshelves should fit on the roof and the bikes in the trunk." I said laughing while I opened the trunk. I took out my rope and was stopped when lightening hit my hand. I dropped the rope and turned around only to come face to chest with Kingston.

"I'll haul this stuff back for you." He said chuckling. Cruz had already loaded the bikes and a shelf in the back of Kingston's truck.

"Thank you. It goes to the storage unit on Vine street unit Forth-one. Here is the keys we'll meet you guys at Hogan's for lunch." I said smiling at him.

"Your buying." he said with a wink.

"Deal." I said shaking his hand making shocks go through my body.

"Hello, you two welcome back to our world." Clover said with a smirk.

"Shut up, we're going to Hogan's." I said smiling and heading for my car.

The four of us piled in the car an waved at the two in the truck as we headed back to town and to Hogan's.

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