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Warning...... Some hot stuff will be appearing in the next couple chapters if you don't like boyxboy smexiness then skip chapter 30. I'll let you know if anymore comes up. All though if you haven't realized by now that this is a boyxboy story then you have issues. I'm not saying that's a bad thing I'm just saying. I like to think my smexy scenes are hot but I'm not a boy who loves boys. so I don't know how it actually works so it may suck. I don't care either way.

Lief's POV........

I know Slade didn't like me. But I always thought it was because I was gay. His mate is male and I so called it when I said he was gay.

"Leelee is we there yet?" a yawning ally asked.

"Almost, ally bear. Before we get there I am letting you know that I picked your rooms. So no fighting. You will each get your own room but for now Fisher and Franky you'll share as will Jace and Ally." I said.

"My room is in the basement right?" Liam asked. The basement was set up like its own suite.

"Yeah, you and Cruz can do what you want down there." I said.

"Look there guys it's the house." I said as we turned into the drive. Liam handed me that package that Kingston gave him. Something was up.

I pulled up to the house and hit the garage door opener and waited for the door to open. I spotted a black van I the garage and instantly went into protective mode. I locked the doors and was going to back up.

"Stop." Liam said and tapped the package. I stopped and opened the package. It was paperwork on a black mini van. And a little card that said to Lief love Liam. I almost cried. I hugged my brother and grab the keys before running to see my new van.

It was sweet, four doors with remote start and alarm. It would fit all of us and I could still fit other things inside.

"Thank you, Liam." I said hugging my brother again. I started it and moved it out of the way. It smelled so new. The seats had no cracks or stains. I loved it.

Kingston backed into the garage so we could carry all the stuff in. I had Jace take the kids to the fenced in back yard and the four of us unloaded the truck. I showed everyone whose and what rooms where what an in an hour every car was unloaded.

"Sara is here to watch the kids." Kingston said.

"Awesome, I'm going to take my new van. We can pack it full before I fill it with car seats." I said laughing.

"Okay baby." he said laughing.

Liam rode with Cruz to

The storage unit while I jammed out in my new mini van. I loved it. The windows in the back rolled down. I could open and shut the doors with a push of a button and there was two TVs in it. I could wait to learn more.

We made it to the storage place and I closed out my account before emptying the unit. The guy started to get shitty but Kingston stepped in and he shut up.

"Liam and I are going to go get the firewood for the fire pit and then we will be home." Cruz said once their car was loaded.

"I'll follow you home, babe. we can unload my truck first and then your van. That way it's put away for the night." He said smiling. He's so smart.

"Sounds good but we have Cruz's car to unload too." I reminded him.

"Front door." he said walking to his truck. That works I guess.

I followed behind him all the way back home. Cruz and Liam were already their unloading. We jumped out and helped.

Once Cruz's car and Kingston's truck were unloaded Kingston left us to go start cooking. The kids were in the pool with Sara and look like they was having fun.

"All done." I said once the last box was out of my van.

"Now all we have to do is unpack it all." Liam said.

"We'll get it done." I said carrying the last box down to his and cruz's room.

"You'll work on it all night." Cruz said.

"Nah King won't let him." Liam said wiggling his eye brows.

"He'll still do it." Cruz sang. I laughed.

"Come on we have a party to get ready for. I think I might start unpacking the kitchen though." I said heading up the stairs and into the kitchen.

I only added to what my mom already had. I love the mix and match of things. She had flowers and I have weird patterns. It went well because the colors matched.

I was down to one box when Sasha came in. She had a bunch of bags of both food and other things. That woman loved to shop.

"Hey sweetie, it's looking nice in here. Not that it wasn't nice but I though there would be a ton of boxes." She said setting stuff down on the island.

"I just finished off the last box. I think I'll work on the laundry room next." I said looking at the six boxes. Two were filled with different soaps I found on sale. I know I'm crazy.

"Your mate will tan you hide." she said laughing.

"How's he doing out there. Is there a lot of people here already?" I asked.

No just Mathew and I." She said. (I don't remember giving Kingston's dad a name and I looked everywhere so I went with Mathew.)

"Good." I said picking up one of the boxes and heading for the laundry room. She followed with a box of her own. We quickly finished off those boxes and I wanted to head for the living room but she threatened to get Kingston on me. I could sneak in later and do it.

By time I made it out everyone was there. Clover, Annalise and Carter. Ms. Cindy and her new friend Adam and Sasha and Matt. Gerald and his mate Oma. So Asher and Slade didn't make it. Can't say in not surprised.

Kingston lite the fire I the fire pit and we all sat around it eating and having a good time. This is what I've always wanted. A family, good friends and a home I could call my own. I could die a happy man now.

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