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A/N: so the smexy was a little um well dry so to speak but I will try for a much wetter one in an up and coming chapter. Also this story is about to come to an end. We have a few more things to deal with like turning into wolves a friendly visit the return of Felicia and a new friend ship or two. So I am thinking like six or eight more chapters.

Kingston's pov.......

When we woke the next morning I knew iced was sore. Hell I was sore. Even though he doesn't have his canines yet he still marked me.

"Babe, come take a dip with me." I said waking him up with kisses.

"My body hurts." He mumbled.

"I know babe that's why I think that a dip in the pond would be great." I said lifting him up and carrying him to the pond even though his eyes remained closed.

The water was luke warm and felt like heaven. My mate moaned as his sore body hit the water.

"How long until I grow fangs and fur?" he asked snuggling into me as I headed for the water fall.

"More then likely tonight. Mom is going to keep the kids so you and Liam can change without scaring them. Then we will all go out for a nice long run." I explained to him.

"Sounds good." he mumbled.

"Come on sleepy head your about to go under the water fall." I warned.

"Okay sounds good." he said smiling. He was so lazy right now.

I carried him under the water fall making him spit and sputter a bit when he snorted water up his lazy nose. Once his coughing fit was over he let me out him down.

"This is beautiful." he said looking in the small cave.

"This is our safe heaven if ever there is an attack. We designed a hidden room just off to your left and it's got all kinds of survival foods and stuff in it." I explained.

"So your ready for zombies to take over the earth and leave us to hide in caves under water falls." He said making me laugh.

"Something like that." I said laughing.

"Cool." he said before diving back into the water and swimming for the shore.

"Where you going?" I asked following him.

"I'm hungry and you need to carry me back to the truck." he said once he made it to shore.

"Demanding little mate aren't we?" I said lifting him up and carrying him to our clothed.

"You wore me out." he said as he got dressed.

"Keep bending over in front of me like that and I do it again." I warned adding a growl just to see him shiver. He likes it when my wolf tries to come out.

"Later food now." he whined.

Once we had everything I had him jump on my back and we walked out of our sanctuary. My truck was waiting for us right where I left it.

I drove us home and we were the first to arrive but Liam and crus followed with in the hour. Lief made a home made pizza or three before retreating upstairs so we could shower. I instructed both Liam an Lief not to wear clothes they liked because most likely they would be losing them during their shift.

We lounged around until it got dark and then I suggested going outside for a walk. I was trying to trigger their wolves. And if it worked then we was outside so the house didn't get destroyed.

"So this is where we are building." Cruz said as Lief and Liam stopped to look around.

"I like this spot." Lief said smiling at the choice his brother and mate made.

The Wolf's CaveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora