Chapter 1

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3rd Person Pov

It was so sudden, with no warning or whatsoever. The girl just simply died peacefully in her room.

The girl's soul though, was alive, aware of what happened to her. Though she knew, she was neither in a panic or frenzy. She was confused.

"I thought I died." The soul talked as it stared down at its former body. It stared at the state her body was in, it was as if she was just sleeping, but no. She knew herself that she did die.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew her away from where she was. Realizing that it has no means of escaping the wind, due to being a small flicker of light, it let the wind carry her wherever it may stop.

It's travel seemed long and endless, and it soon fell asleep, the only sound it could hear was the wind.


A couple looked down on their newborn baby with warm smiles as it cried in its mother's arms.

"What will we name him, dear?" The woman said as she looked up at her husband.

"Hikaru. Just like the how the sky cleared when he was born. Hikaru, our sunlight." The man said and the woman smiled, chuckling a bit too.

"Such a simple name." She said and the man looked a little upset. "Hey.."

"But I like it." She followed up and surprised the man. The man smiled as he heard his wife say that.

"Hikaru, our son, our light." She murmured and nuzzled her cheek to the newborn. The baby touched his mother with his tiny hands.

"Fujimoto Hikaru-chan."

3 years later..

"Hikaru, look at the camera!" A man who looked like in his twenties said. He looked through the camera to see his beloved wife beside their three year old son.

"Papa, I'm jwust going tuo the schuool." The child murmured, still not able to speak clearly because of his age. Though, was intelligent despite his age which the parents noted, and so decided to start their son's school debut.

"It's your first day at school, we have to make sure to capture this moment."  The boy sighed inwardly, not feeling up to it.

I'm literally a teenager inside. God, this is so embarrassing... Hikaru thought, and remembered how he endlessly wondered on why his past self's memories weren't removed.

"There! All good!" The father said and the two ushered their son to quickly go in the kindergarten before he could be late.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay, Hikaru-chan?" The mother asked and the boy looked back with a bright smile on his face that almost melted the other two if not of their recently built resistance of the cuteness of their son.

"Yeah! Bwye bwye!" Hikaru bubbly said and ran inside the school.

The boy went to the classroom that he was assigned to, and met gazes of children aeound his physical state's age.

As soon as the lesson started, Hikaru was bored to death because what he was going to do all year was study letters, sounds, and studies aimed for toddlers.

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