Chapter 9

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It was supposed to be a peaceful morning for Hikaru. He had slept like a log and was now awake. He blanky stared at the scenery he saw as soon as his eyes adjusted to the morning light.

His right brow slightly twitched before taking a small breathe then finally deciding to talk to the trespasser.

"Mukuro.... what are you doing here?" Hikaru asked to the man who was laying down beside him.

Mukuro had his hands resting on his temple, elbow on the bed, as he stared at Hikaru. "Kufufufu~ Laying down, what else?" the man chuckled, having a sarcastic answer to the other male, making Hikaru's eye twitch in annoyance.

"Move." was the only thing that Hikaru said.

Mukuro has tried many methods to make the boy blush or flustered of his actions, but never seen any reaction till now. Hikaru was either really dense or just decided to ignore him. Either way, it was an adorable trait of the boy for Mukuro.

The way they are now, he was okay with it, but he swears that someday he would make that cold front of Hikaru break down.

"Kufufufu~ As you wish." Mukuro said and disappeared in a purple smoke.

Hikaru got up from his bed and sighed. That was the third time this week that he woke up with Mukuro beside him. Dont get the wrong idea, its not like they slept together, Hikaru clearly remembers going to bed alone.

After taking a quick shower and dressed up, Hikaru went downstairs to prepare breakfast. It was still early, about eight in the morning and the others was still asleep, well except the pineapple who disturbed him.

"I'll just leave this on the table, I have some business to attend to." Hikaru said as he made his way to the door while Mukuro followed after him.

"Kufufu~ Meeting someone, I presume?" Mukuro asked, curious why Hikaru was going out so early during the weekend. The albino never goes out that early, based on his knowledge.

"Hibari-san, my mom asked me to." Mukuro's eyebrow twitch when he heard the name of the person that Hikaru us supposedly meeting.

"Oh, that skylark?" His tone turned cold and could make any normal person shiver from fear, but Hikaru just continued to put on his shoes and stood up then faced the man.

"No, idiot. Hibari-san. I'm meeting Kyoya's mother today due to family business. The yakuza part of family business." Mukuro blinked, the dark aura from him disappearing.

"Kufufu~ okay then. For a moment there, I thought my dear Hikaru was cheating on me." He said making the other's brow twitch.

"Kyoya's been my friend since we were first years. And what do you mean by chea--"

Mukuro disappeared in a purple mist making Hikaru have a dumbfounded expression as the man didn't even let him finish his sentence.

He looked at the time and decided to leave immediately, if he arrives late then he knew he would face the consequences.


Hikaru ran. He glanced at his watch for the nth time and was in a panic. A minute, he's a minute late, and the huge amount of people in town didn't help.

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