Chapter 8

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"I really think we shouldn't do this...." Tsuna murmured as he and his gang peeked from one corner, looking at a certain white-haired male.

"Why does tenth need to watch that man?" Gokudera said as a dark aura surrounded him.

"Ahaha! I always wanted to know more about Fujimoto-senpai!" Yamamoto's mouth was quickly covered by a small hand.

"Don't be too noisy." Reborn said as he rested on top of Tsuna's head.

"Um.... Why am I...?" Chrome trailed off.

They all stared as Hikaru fixed the things in his bag then was approached by another third year, by the way he looked, it seems like they were quite close.

"Does Fujimoto hang out with kids his age?" Reborn asked and the others looked at each other before answering.

"Well... we don't see him hang out with other third years..." Tsuna started and made Yamamoto nod.

"Yeah... at times it's only guys that hang around him due to senpai's popularity and being the sc president.... other than that, I think he's always alone." Yamamoto answered seriously for once.

"Hey, Fusshi! We're going to the club now, you coming with us?" A third year, that was standing outside of the classroom.

Fusshi? Tsuna and the others that we're hiding thought.

"Uh, yeah. I just finished packing up here." Hikaru said with a smile and followed after the other third years that were attending the same club as him. Reborn and the others carefully followed after the albino.

"Are you sure you don't want to accept captain's offer?" one of the third years asked as they walked beside Hikaru.

"Yeah... we know you aren't the type to brag... but this is an opportunity, man." the other said while Hikaru just had a somewhat apologetic smile on his face. 

"I don't really want that kind of responsibility... and well, I'm busy with other things.." Hikaru said while the ones that were tailing him were wondering what they were talking about.

Hikaru and the other two third years, entered the room that had the sign 'Naginata-dou club'. Shouts that were let out in sync resounded in the hallways that Tsuna and the others were in. The door was left open as to air the room, not letting the hot air inside gather up with all the training they were doing.

For Tsuna who hasn't experienced club ever since he went to school, the atmosphere felt very different. Now that he thought about it, he had never seen how Yamamoto practices with his clubmates.

Yamamoto saw how baseball training was different from martial arts training. Training for sports and training a way to fight has a very different feel to it.

They all saw how the members of the naginata-dou club have things they do on their own inside. Some were sparring with each other. The others were swinging their wooden naginata's with a decent space separating them so they won't hit each other. The rest were resting, wiping their sweat, or fanning themselves.

"Oh! Fujimoto-senpai! We were just wondering where you were!" A younger member of the club approached the white-haired male.

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