Chapter 14

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The battle for the sun ring had finally been given an outcome, with Lussuria dropping out of the match, the ring was given to Tsuna's group.

They were finally able to go home. Tsuna didn't fight or anything, but for some reason, he felt that he was the most one who was tired. Being caught up with some battle for rings was the last in his list of things to do.

Ryohei, on the other hand, was quickly treated by Shamal after Reborn threa-- asked him to do so.

The others all went their own way, since it was past twelve that night.

Mukuro and Chrome arrived in front of Hikaru's home, and proceeded to go in.

"Then, I will head to bed now, Mukuro-sama." Chrome said, still not changing her habit of calling the man like that. Chrome went upstairs and the man could hear the door of her room close.

He, too, was going to head upstairs, but stopped when he felt that someone was in the living room. There was also one extra presence in the house, precisely inside Hikaru's room.

"Oh.. welcome home. That sure took time." Mukuro heard and saw that Hikaru was the one that was in the living room, meaning that the Varia was in his room. Mukuro's brow twitched at that thought.

"Do you know how dangerous it is to go against Varia, Fujimoto?" Mukuro asked as he walked closer to where Hikaru was.

The albino only continued reading the book he was holding.

"Ahaha, are you perhaps worried for me?" Hikaru teased the man a bit since it was out of character for Mukuro to say those words.

Now that he thought about it, Mukuro was acting a bit weird ever since he came back from kidnapping incident with Varia. But being the dense person he is, Hikaru didn't think much about it anymore.

Mukuro could see that the boy was still oblivious of how he felt for him. He tried many ways to make Hikaru realize it with small actions that simple acquaintances wouldn't do. He was left with no choice but to face this dense male head on.

A shadow loomed over Hikaru and the boy looked up to see what it was that blocked the light. He saw Mukuro standing in front of him, his posture leaning a bit towards him. Mukuro placed an arm to his right side and leaned closer, making him look up.

"Mukuro, you're blocking the light, I can't read." Mukuro's brow slightly twitched hearing the boy's reply.

He was so oblivious and naive that even a kabe-don like this is nothing. Most people would become a bit flustered when placed in a position like this.

Mukuro had all his patience and self-control gone. It snapped just like that. The incident with Varia, and Hikaru taking in men just like that in his home. Yes, Lussuria was wounded, but that doesn't guarantee Hikaru's safety.

Lussuria might even start to fancy Hikaru since in the first place, the Varia sun guardian preferred boys than girls.

"Do you even understand the position you're in?" Mukuro asked.

"Uhh... an outsider?"

Hikaru obviously misunderstood Mukuro's question and thought that it meant his position in this vongola ring conflict. It made Mukuro release an almost annoyed sigh, but was more of a distressed one.

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