Chapter 22

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It could be said that the room was dark, but there was enough light to see that there were two figures that seem to be talking to each other.

One had a grown-up stature, while the other had that of an infant.

"Why did you let that boy go?" Wanting to scold the infant, but retraining himself since the other was still his boss. He held in the brewing anger inside him.

"...He is similar..." the small one started. The adult-looking one trembled in anger as he cannot comprehend just what is the similarity between them, who has been tormented, and that one living human.

"...Yet he is very much different." He doesn't know just what he felt when he first saw the boy, but he somehow knew that that person was similar to him.

"Covered in deceit, as if he was isolated from the world." The small figure looked up at the other, though his face was covered, the taller one could notice a small rare smile.

He doesn't remember when was the last time that his boss had found someone interesting. For that human to be described as same as then was similar for someone say that a fish was similar to a dog.

That was how different the worlds that they were on.

"It also seems that that person has connections with them." The taller one didn't make a move as he let the other talk. He had long lit a candle for that human. To be able to catch the interest of his boss, one cannot be considered lucky nor unlucky.

"I think he would make a really good successor... just so I could infuriate that man." The small one said, leaving the other no choice but to stay silent and abide whatever next order his boss would give him.


"Humans are so strange aren't they...." Hikaru said, sighing as he looked out of the window of the restaurant they were in. Sitting in a circular table, he was surrounded by his three other guardians who had proceeded to look at him strangely due to his statement.

A usual deadpan look from Mari, a confused one from Ryunosuke, and a nonchalant expression from Arashi.

"Why is that, Hikaru-sama?" Arashi was the one who responded as the albino slumped forward on the table.

"I'm just wondering how a person with a smile like that be so evil in just ten years... even if its his parallel self..." Hikaru whispered the last part as his gaze landed on a tall young man.

Arashi blinked as he took in the words Hikaru said and the three all looked person who seem to be the subject of Hikaru's stare.

The three saw a black haired male, that had a unique purple tattoo under his left eye.


Hikaru will never forget how the boy looks like because he had one of the most unique appearances. The only difference that he has seen right now is that the boy had black hair unlike what he had first seen in the show.

Another sigh was heard.

"Happiness flies away when a person sighs... so says my dad." Ryunosuke said, now focused on the food on the table.

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