Chapter 3

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It was a testament to Draco's flying ability that he was able to catch up to Harry. The passage was not the most ideal place to fly and they had to duck and weave around tree roots and corners. Harry knew, of course, that Draco was a decent Quidditch player - he'd played him enough times to know that - but he had never noticed how well the Slytherin handled the broom. Seamus's voice popped into his head unbidden.

"I wonder what else he rides well," it said. Dirty thoughts were always thought in Seamus's voice in Harry's mind. Color flooded his face and he was very glad that the passageway was so dark. Not that Draco could see his face, as the blond was flying behind him, but still. He suddenly became very self conscious as he realized that Draco could very well be staring at his butt.

And then suddenly, they were there. Harry slowed to a halt and clambered off of his broom. He propped it against the wall and Draco did the same. Then Harry swung the invisibility cloak around them again and they made their way up the stairs that led to the trapdoor. Once they reached it, Harry lifted it cautiously and moved it to the side. They crept out into the darkened cellar of Honeydukes, staying as much under the cloak as they could. Harry replaced the trapdoor and Draco stared around with wide eyes.

"Wow," he breathed softly. Harry grinned.

They moved stealthily towards the stairs that led to the main area of the shop, occasionally stepping on each others' feet and muttering apologies. The shop was closed for the night, but they alohamora'ed the door open and crept out into the village.

Half past seven and the village of Hogsmeade was quiet. Most families had gone in for the night, but as they neared The Three Broomsticks, the noise level picked up. Light from the door spilled out onto the cobblestones outside the door, turning them temporarily orange as one of the patrons left for his or her home.

"Ah, the pub," Draco said. "Planning on getting me drunk then, Potter?"

"Curses," Harry replied, frowning. "You saw through my incredibly cunning plan." Draco smirked and hit Harry playfully on the arm.

"We should probably take this cloak off before we go in though," Draco said, indicating the invisibility cloak. "Don't want to alarm the locals when we suddenly appear." Harry laughed and nodded and they moved over to a small alleyway next to the pub. Harry pulled the cloak off the both of them and stowed it in his bag. Then they walked over to the pub and went in.

It was warm inside, with a cozy fire blazing in the fireplace on the far side of the room. Evidently when they were not expecting students, The Three Broomsticks stowed many of its tables and chairs in favor of large leather arm chairs and coffee tables. It made the pub feel more like the house common room, and Harry liked it immensely. He wanted to tell Ron and Hermione about it, but that would involve telling them about Draco, and Harry had conveniently not told either of them about his date. He was sure Hermione knew, as note passing in class was always something that she noticed and often chided Harry about, but he was not ready to talk to Ron about it.

"What do you want to drink?" Draco asked, snapping Harry out of his reverie. Harry frowned.

"I thought I would order," he said.

"Yes," Draco said, sarcasm dripping from the word. "Because no one will ask 'Why is the famous Harry Potter getting a drink at a bar and not at school?' As I would prefer not to get sent back to Hogwarts in disgrace, I will order." Harry put up a hand automatically and tried to flatten his hair over his scar.

"Fair point," Harry said. He pulled his collar up and tried to hide in it. Draco rolled his eyes. "What are you having?"

"Gobligin and tonic." Harry stared. "What? If we're going to get drunk, we may as well do it properly. Now what do you want?" Harry cast his mind around frantically for a drink.

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