Chapter 33

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"What the actual fuck, Colin?" Harry said, turning to stare into the room. Colin was hanging upside down from a piece of string on the ceiling. Harry did a double take. "Are you being Spider-Man?" This was in fact a stupid question as Colin was in his Spider-Man costume and, well, hanging upside down from a piece of string on the ceiling.

"Sorry, Harry," Colin said. He waved his wand at the string and it broke. He fell and flopped down onto the bed. "I was just seeing if I could hang upside down, and then you two came in, and-"

"-And you couldn't resist getting a picture that you could send to the Daily Prophet?" Draco snarled. He took a step towards Colin, but Harry put an arm out to stop him.

"No!" Colin squeaked. "I wouldn't do that to Harry."

"And you won't," Harry said. "Because I will be with you when you develop this film and I will destroy it. In fact, give me your camera now so I can keep hold of it in the meantime."

"You won't want a copy?" Colin asked. Harry frowned at him, but there was no malice or suggestion around the question.

"No," he said slowly, eyes narrowed. Colin shrugged.

"I only took the picture because I thought you looked happy and it was beautiful."

"No, tiny person," Draco said. "That was not happiness. That was horniness. Now so help me Merlin, if you don't get the hell out of here in the next thirty seconds, I am going to curse you from here until next Wednesday. The same goes for if you tell a soul what you saw here."

"Uh," Harry said. "Yes, what he said." Colin gulped and scrambled off of the bed. He handed his camera to Harry who placed it on a side table.

"Bye then," Colin said as he reached the door. "Have a nice evening." He turned back to them one last time and gave Harry a wink. Then the door swung shut behind him. As soon as Harry heard the click of the lock engage, he dissolved into giggles.

"What is so funny?" Draco asked.


"What if he tells someone?" Draco's voice was quiet, and this, more than anything else, stopped Harry's laughter.

"He won't."

"You're sure?"

"Yes?" Harry had been sure, but now Draco's questions had introduced doubt.

"Should I have obliviated him?"

"Can you even do that?"

"I've learned," Draco said. He frowned, looking away from Harry.

"Do I want to know?" Harry asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Yes," Draco said. "But not now. That's a conversation for another time." Harry nodded. He took a step closer to Draco and put an arm around his waist. He was determined not to let Colin's interference ruin the evening.

"Where were we then?" He pulled Draco tight against him and was pleased to see a small smile lift the corners of Draco's mouth.

"I believe it we were part way through doing this," Draco said. He snaked a hand around to the back of Harry's head and pressed their lips together. Harry thought about making a witty retort, but figured that would probably waste time, so instead he just responded by slipping his tongue into Draco's mouth.

Things progressed quickly from there. Before long, most of their clothes were on the floor and Draco's little cat was sitting dejectedly by the door.

"Can you," Harry pulled back and looked Draco in the eye. "Can you fix your hair? Or lack thereof."

"That's a bit shallow, Potter," Draco said.

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