Chapter 24

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Getting everyone back through Honeydukes and through the cellar was a much more difficult task than it had been getting everyone out, but finally it was just Harry and Draco under the cloak, sneaking through the boxes of sweets. Draco kept biting his lip and looking sideways at Harry while Harry pretended not to notice.

"Wait," Draco whispered as they reached the trap door. "I think I forgot my gloves at the Three Broomsticks." Harry couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"I'm sorry," Draco mumbled. He blinked up at Harry through his eyelashes and Harry's irritation lessened at the sight of him. "Why don't we tell the others to go on and we'll catch up with them? I mean, there's no reason why they should wait because I was an idiot."


They clambered through the trapdoor and Draco explained their predicament.

"We'll see you back at the castle," Harry said, waving them off.

"Unless you two decide to fly," Hermione said. "We've decided it's best if we walk."

"Or at least it's best if you walk," Ron said.

"You're one to talk," Pansy pointed out. Ron looked mollified.

"Right then," Harry said. "We'll see you in a bit." He wrapped the cloak back around himself and Draco and they made their way back into the Honeydukes cellar.

"Wait," Draco whispered after they had gone a few steps.

"What is it no-?" Harry started to ask, but was interrupted by Draco's lips crashing into his. "Mmph." Draco pulled away briefly.

"No talking," he said and went back to kissing Harry. And Harry decided he was more than alright with this turn of events. He snaked an arm around Draco's waist and pulled him closer. He moaned as Draco's tongue ghosted over his lower lip. And then his eyes snapped open as he remembered that they were still at Honeydukes. He pulled back.

"What about your gloves?" Draco reached into his pockets and pulled out the offending garments.

"I just wanted an excuse to do this," he said, grinning impishly. Harry's eyebrows shot up.

"But we're-" he started to say.

"Oh, I know exactly where we are."

"But people might-"

"We're invisible."

"But we're not silent."

"So be quieter." Draco smirked and then leaned in and captured Harry's lips again. Harry soon realized it was useless to protest. Instead, he tried to move them slowly towards a darker corner of the cellar, on the off chance that an employee came down the stairs.

Draco responded to this movement by pushing their hips closer together. Harry inched his hand lower and steered Draco more forcefully into the corner. The blond relented. He was distracted instead by moving his hand up Harry's shirt and running his fingers over Harry's stomach. Draco's hands felt soo good on him that Harry's breath caught in his throat and he stumbled slightly on the uneven floor.

He was painfully aware of the fact that someone could walk down here at any moment, and that made what they were doing all the more exciting. He pushed Draco further into the corner, pinning him against the wall.

"Taking charge, Potter?" Draco whispered into his ear. Harry decided to go with it.


"I like it," Draco said and Harry's pulse rate skyrocketed. He buried his face in Draco's neck and then kissed his way up to Draco's ear. Turning his head slightly, he gently nibbled his earlobe. This elicited a moan and an "oh, fuck me," from Draco.

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