Chapter 43

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"Wonderful," Dumbledore said, clasping his hands together. "Another one down. By my calculation, that's three down, four to go."

"Three sir?" Pansy asked.

"Yes. The diary which Harry destroyed in his second year, the ring which I destroyed, and now Slytherin's locket."

"Great," Harry said. "How do we find the others?" He was sitting on the edge of his seat, excitement thrumming through him for the first time that day. Dumbledore chuckled sadly.

"Unfortunately, in order to find the others, we must first determine what they are." Harry sat back in his chair. A sigh escaped his lips before he could stop himself. "Luckily," Dumbledore continued. "We have eight minds to put towards this task."

"Eight, headmaster?" Snape asked.

"Yes, Severus," Dumbledore said. "I expect you to help. After all, you have been working with them on their Occlumency. And," he paused for a moment. "You will be their new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor."

"What?" Both Snape and Ron asked at the same time. Dumbledore smiled, his eyes twinkling.

"Oh yes," he said. "I think it's about time you taught the subject you're best at."

"You mean, there's a subject that he's better at than potions?" Draco asked.

"Indeed, Mr. Malfoy."

"But what is going to happen with our six week project?" Pansy asked.

"Professor Slughorn will be taking over as potions master," Dumbledore said. "However as your project ends on Wednesday, Professor Snape will continue to monitor your potions until then."

"Slughorn?" Snape asked and Dumbledore nodded once. "But-"

"-There will be no buts, Severus. He will come and teach because we have two things that he wants. Safety and Harry Potter."

"Me?" Harry asked.

"Potter's head is big enough without Horace flattering him all the time," Snape sneered. Harry scowled, but he was not going to start anything with the professor in front of Dumbledore, so he let it slide.

"Think that as you may, Severus, we need a potions professor, and he is one of the best." Harry thought he heard Snape mutter,

"But not the best," but he couldn't be sure.

"I have already invited him to the castle and he has graciously accepted my invitation. Between us, I think that brazen attack on the theme park the other day spooked him. He is scheduled to arrive tomorrow and will be brought up to speed on your sixth year project. It will continue on as before and I look forward to hearing about the results. Severus tells me this year's batches look particularly promising." Hermione sat up straighter at this and looked pleased with herself.

"Well then," Dumbledore continued. "I believe we have our work cut out for us. We must turn our thoughts to the remaining four horcruxes. But in the meantime, I think dinner is in order. I will find a time for us to meet again in the near future, but I implore you until then to turn your minds to the problem at hand." He dismissed them all with a wave of his hand.

There was a general scuffle as everyone clambered out of their chairs and rolled up their pieces of parchment. Snape took back the quills and ink that he had lent out and they filed out of Dumbledore's offie. None of them said anything until they were out in the corridor, and then only once they were out of earshot of Snape, who strode off in the direction of the staff room.

"Bloody hell," Ron said, breaking the silence. "That was a lot."

"How does Dumbledore expect us to be able to help?" Pansy asked. "We're students."

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