Chapter 49

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"And now, Potter," Draco said as they walked through the deserted Slytherin common room. "I will show you where you could have slept, had you not demanded to put put into a different house." They were holding hands and Harry decided the Slytherin common room was much nicer when he had Draco's hand to hold. It seemed warmer somehow.

"I bet it's mostly the same as the Gryffindor dorm," Harry said.

"Take it back," Draco said. He stopped walking and stood in front of Harry. "Our common room is decently nicer than yours." Harry shrugged.

"It's rather dark," he said.

"Yes, dark and rich. I mean, look at these sofas." Draco gestured to the leather sofas that were grouped around the fireplace. "They're so luxurious and comfortable." Harry resisted rolling his eyes.

"Yes, dear," he said. "They're lovely." He let go of Draco's hand and instead put both of his hands on Draco's waist, pulling him close. "But do you know what's even nicer?"

"What?" Draco asked. He had the ghost of a smile playing about his face.

"Kissing you in the middle of the Slytherin common room." Which is precisely what Harry then proceeded to do. He leaned in close and pressed his lips to Draco's. Draco kissed him back greedily, bringing one of his hands up to cup Harry's face.

What had started as just a kiss progressed very quickly to them grabbing at each other's clothes. Before Harry could think about the consequences of what they were doing, Draco had his jumper off and was pushing him back onto one of the aforementioned leather sofas. As they sank down onto it, Harry did appreciate how comfortable it was, but his attention was mostly elsewhere. And by elsewhere, his attention was mostly centered around the fact that Draco was unbuckling his trousers.

"Are we really doing this?" Harry asked, pulling his mouth away from Draco's for a moment.

"Are we really going to fuck in the common room? Hell yes, we are, Potter."

"Okay," Harry said and turned his focus to undoing Draco's trousers.


"I'm going to think about this every time I sit on this sofa," Draco said about half an hour later as he and Harry lay in each other's arms. They were sweaty and boneless and very, very happy. He snickered to himself. He was immensely pleased by how the evening had played out.

"I'm starting to think you just like adventurous sex," Harry said.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Last week you gave me a blow job in front of everyone-"


"-Yes, invisibly. And now you just let me fuck you on this sofa."

"Are you complaining?" Draco asked. He reached up and traced his finger down Harry's cheek.

"No." Harry turned his head and gently kissed Draco's finger. "But it almost seems," he continued with a smirk on his face. "Like you want us to get caught."

"I can assure you that is not the case," Draco said quickly. Harry smiled.

"I know," he said. "I'm only teasing."

"Mm," Draco mused. He leaned forward and kissed Harry on the nose. "We should go to bed."

"You mean you don't want people to come into the common room in the morning and find us like this?" Harry asked. He sat up, disentangling his arms from Draco's.

"Weirdly no." They gathered up their clothes and Draco led them back to the Slytherin sixth year boys' dorm.

Harry had to admit that it was nice. He still thought that the Gryffindor rooms were more cosy, but he supposed Draco would probably prefer green silk curtains and what looked like satin bedspread to the red velvet of the Gryffindor rooms. Draco dropped his clothes at the foot of one of the beds and then walked, still starkers, to the bathroom. Harry followed, bringing his toothbrush. He slapped Draco's bare arse as he passed him on the way to a free sink and was rewarded by Draco smirking at him around the toothbrush in his mouth.

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