What the fu-

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Saying you were exhausted was an understatement.

After putting out the fire and forgiving Naruto reluctantly you had continued on your journey to his apartment.

However, Naruto had practically given you a tour of the entire village on the way to his apartment, so by the time you finally reached your destination you were just about ready to knock out

'How is this man even human??? I can't fucking keep up for the life of me- oh right, he has a whole ass Kurama. Aha, I forgot about that'

You took one step inside and passed the fuck out

'Ah shit-'


Your body felt odd as you seemingly woke up, you looked around recognizing your current surroundings as a classroom at the academy

'Hol up wasn't I just in-'

Your thoughts were cut off as you saw yourself(!???) at the front of the class, you had seemingly just finished up an introduction and you were making your way towards the seat next to the positive-attention deprived boy aka Naruto (who was excitedly waving at you like a madman) when he somehow managed to fall off his seat

You and your dream(?) self visibly cringed at Naruto's misfortune 

'yikes...that's gotta hurt'

Suddenly everything faded to black and you woke up, just to make sure this wasn't another whacky dream you pinched yourself

'ouch...how many times am I gonna have to pinch myself while in this world'

You looked around and found yourself in Naruto's bed

'damn.....did he carry me? I feel bad for making Naruto carry me from the door'

Out of nowhere, Naruto was suddenly right up in your face completely ignoring the lovely thing called personal space

"Y/N are you okay!? You suddenly passed out the moment you entered! Believe it!"

You flinched a bit at his sudden appearance wondering where the hell he came from while scooting away from him and creating some personal space

"Oh yeah, aha, I'm fine I was just a bit tired after everything that happened- uh now that I think about it how long was I out?"

"You slept through what was left of the day yesterday and through the night"

"Wait, so if I'm on the bed does that mean-"

"I-I slept on the floor!" Naruto blushed a bit and covered his head probably thinking you'd punish him in some way if you thought he had slept in the same bed as you but in reality, you really couldn't care less if you guys had slept on the same bed. After all, you guys were like 7.

The most malicious thing he could do at this point was draw a mustache on your face and if you were gonna be honest here you'd actually probably enjoy having a fake mustache for a day.

You did, however, feel bad about practically kicking Naruto out of his own bed

"Relax Naruto even if you had slept with me I would've been fine with it this is your bed remember?"

Naruto visibly relaxed and sighed in relief at your response,

"Well I've gotta get going to the academy I'm already late enough as it is"

"I thought I was getting a spot at the academy?"

"You are, but gramps said something about at least one more day of waiting because of some paperwork stuff, Dattebayo"

(DISCONTINUED) Hol Up- Where The Hell Am I??? [Naruto Various x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now