Eloping with Karin in the forest of death (not really)

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A/n: Hello! Did ya'll miss me? Probably not, sorry this took so long! I lost motivation and I was working on other stuff.

'Oh, mood' you thought as you watched a bird get eaten in one bite by a thiccc snake

"This whole place just completely creeps me out." Sakura commented nervously as you all looked at the one of the many unbelievably big trees in the forest of snake hickeys

"It should, they call it the forest of death. And soon enough you're gonna find out why." Anko replied smirking

"tHeY cAlL iT tHe fOreSt oF DeAtH. AnD sOoN eNoUgH yOu'Re GoNnA fiNd oUt wHy." Naruto said mockingly as he showed everyone how great he was at imitating a worm while standing

"Do your worst! You're not gonna scare me away! I can handle anything!" He yelled confidently

"So, looks like we've got ourselves a tough guy" Anko wore a smile that was faker than the gasps you made at what you already knew was gonna happen

Anko kept smiling as she threw a kunai at Naruto's face leaving a scratch on his cheek

"You tough enough to handle this? You're not afraid, are you?" Anko asked condescendingly

"Tough guys like you usually leave their blood all over this forest." Anko poked at some of the blood that dripped from Naruto's scratch

Anko stopped suddenly and put a kunai to a disguised Orochimaru's tongue

"I was...just returning your kunai."

"Why thank you grass ninja, you know...I really only recommend you stand this close behind me, if you wish to reach a premature end" Anko took her kunai back

"My pardon, with the sight of blood and your blade slicing through my hair I'm afraid that I just became a little excited. I meant you no harm."

"Likewise" Anko replied as Orochimaru walked away

"Seems like everyone here today is quick tempered...there must be something in the air. This is gonna be fun" Anko said to herself as she walked away from Naruto and back in front of the gate

"Now before we begin this test I have somethingto hand out to you all." Anko pulled out a stack of papers

"It's just a standard consent form, before the test all of you are going to have to read over this form and then sign it."

"What for?" Naruto questioned

"Some of you may not come back from this test and I have to get your consent to that risk. Otherwise it would be my responsibility haha!" Anko laughed after her answer

'Sweet, I can finally realize my dreams of becoming a mass murderer :D'

"Now, I'll explain what you'll be doing in this test." Anko started

"Here, pass these out." She handed the forms over to Naruto

You ignored her explanation as you read over the consent form

'"Do you have life insurance?" Uh...'

You spaced out contemplating wether or not you had insurance

'Uh...I'll answer that later...let's just fill in my name haha....'


You yawned as your teammates pumped themselves up for when it was time to enter and start the test

'It's too early for this...'


"That...sounded like someone screaming" Sakura noted as you all heard a faraway scream and saw crows fly away from the direction of the scream

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