The forest of head injuries

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It was decided that Naruto would make shadow clones to carry Kakashi back because no one really wanted to break their backs when carrying him

You were all greeted by Tsunami once you had arrived and Naruto's clones dropped Kakashi down haphazardly, immediately poofing afterwards

'Yikes' You thought as a loud thump was heard from Kakashi's body landing on the ground

You tucked Kakashi in real nicely and decided to let the man rest for once

"Listen, Sensei, your Sharingan is amazing and everything, but if it puts that much strain on you, maybe it's not worth it."


"Well, you did take down one of the most powerful ninja assassins, so we'll be safe for a while."

"Right, but you know that boy with the mask, what about him?"

"He's from the elite tracking unit of the village hidden in the mist. Those masks are only worn by the most elite Shinobi."

"What exactly do they do?"

"The Anbu black Ops, also known as the inferno squad, destroy all traces of a Rouge ninja's corpse. The Shinobi's body contains many secrets, ninjustu, Chakra, special medicines used on his body. These are the secrets of his village. If his enemy find them, his people would be in grave danger. For instance, if I were to die at the hands of an enemy he would try to analyze my Sharingan. In the worst case, my entire jutsu could be stolen and used against our home village. It is the scared duty of the Shinobi trackers to prevent this, to keep the village secrets safe. If a ninja betrays his village, the trackers hunt him down, eliminate him, and obliterate every trace of his existence. That's their specialty"

You looked to the side thinking about how it's probably around the time that Zabuza wakes up

"Hey are you okay? Sensei?"

'Ah he's realized what happened'

"Oh yeah. To finish what I was saying, tracker ninja deal with the body immediately, on the spot, so there's no room for error"

"Is that really important?"

"Think about it. Do you remember what that tracker did with Zabuza's body?"

"We don't know what he did. I mean, I guess he took it away somewhere. Exactly but why? He should have worked on Zabuza right there as quickly as possible. Think of the weapons he used for the takedown. Do you remember what they were?"

"Senbon." You wanted your teammates to get enlightened already because you were getting impatient

"Exactly. None of it adds up"

"What are you all yammering about? You demolished that assassin"

"Here's the truth. Zabuza's still alive."

Everyone gasped loudly in shock

"But we saw his body! Believe it!"

"Kakashi sensei, you checked him yourself. You said that his hearts stopped."

"His heart did stop. But that was just a temporary state to simulate death. Senbon can pierce deeply but rarely kill unless they hit a vital organ, not in the neck. They're modified from needles used for medical treatments, like acupuncture. Trackers are trained to know every detail of the human body. Causing the heart to stop temporarily while keeping the body alive is an easy matter for them. First, he carried Zabuza's body away, even though it's much heavier than he is. Second, he used senbon, which have a precise effect but are rarely fatal. From these two factors we can conclude that the tracker wasn't trying to destroy Zabuza. He was trying to save him"

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