(Quotev)[200 hearts special] Gaara

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A/N: I wasn't going to post this here since the specials are Quotev only because it has to do with hearts and stuff like that but this event is important to the future so I'll be making an exception for this special

'Ah shit here we go again'

You didn't mean to teleport but making a peace sign every now and then was a habit of yours that you couldn't just forget at the snap of your fingers, it was like second-nature to you

So it was no surprise that you once again for what must've been the 100th time at this point teleported on accident

'haa...well, there's not much that I can do at this point...'

You took a look at your surroundings the moment you got there and...

'Why the fuck is there so much sand???'

You looked around once more and noticed a certain boy with red hair and panda-like eyes in the distance

'Is that...'


Gaara was there in all of his panda glory looking pretty sad while playing in the sand

You gripped at your chest where your heart was supposed to be 'he's so cute..!'

You swiftly calmed your heart because it was beating so loudly that Gaara could've probably heard it from where he was

You started to approach the lonesome boy that looked like he was about to cry if someone said something mean to him again


Gaara let out a sound of surprise as he looked up at you his expression showing a bit of fear as he shakily asked you


"I'm not going to try hurt you so you can stop looking at me like I killed your puppy" You chuckled trying to lighten the atmosphere and calm his nerves

Your attempt at calming him down seemed to work as he visibly relaxed

"What's your name red panda? Mine's Y/n!" You couldn't just appear out of nowhere and already know his name, he'd probably think you were a stalker or something like that

"Red panda...? uhm my name is Gaara..." He said kind of shyly

"Well your hair is a pretty shade of red and your eyes remind me of a panda's they are so cute!"



Gaara shuffled a little in place out of embarrassment with a cute little blush on his face

"So what were you doing?"

"Building a sand castle..." he mumbled

"Sounds fun! Can I join?"

Gaara looked surprised as he stared at you

"You...want to play...with me...?"

"Of course why wouldn't I want to play?"

"Because I'm a monster..."

"Who said that?"

"Everyone around me..."

"Well, even if you are a monster you don't act or look like one!"


"Tell me this, would a monster stutter at being called cute?"


"Would a monster look like a cute little panda?"


"Then I hereby decree you're no monster!" You waved your arms around dramatically

Gaara had a small smile on his face as tears welled up in his eyes and he was a second away from crying in pure happiness that someone wasn't running away in fear or trying to hurt him

"Wait why are you crying??? Ah! I don't know how to console a crying child aaa-"

You panicked as Gaara continued to cry a bit so you gave him a hug to which he hugged you back tightly as if he thought that if he let you go you would disappear

"Come on! we have a sandcastle to build!" You smiled and took his hand as you walked over to the designated area to build the castle


After a couple of hours you had to leave because Naruto was probably starting to get worried at your disappearance, sure he knew that sometimes you teleported on accident and couldn't get back for a couple of hours at most but it still worried him to no end

Gaara looked at you sadly as he gripped your shirt

"Please don't leave..."

'Ack! if he keeps that up I might just have to leave Naruto for Gaara'

"Gaara..." You said softly

"I have a friend at home who's waiting for me and needs me..."

'And desperately too, if I wasn't there his whole-ass diet would consist of Ramen...' You sweat dropped at the thought

"But I need you more!"

You looked at him with sadness in your eyes, it was times like these that you wished you had some kind of control over your powers

You suddenly had a thought and reached for the red string that held together your drawstring pouch. Gaara looked on curiously as you cut off a portion and cut it in half, tying one of the halves around one of your pinky fingers

You took Gaara's hand and tied the other half around his pinky as confusion was etched onto his face

You intertwined your pinky with his pinky like you would to make a promise

"I promise to never forget you Gaara! If we ever meet again we shall show each other this string tied around our pinkies as proof of each other being real! This is my promise to you and this string is proof of our promise!" You smiled at him

Gaara looked at your intertwined pinkies with a look of wonder which you chuckled at. You hugged Gaara one last time and peaced out


As soon as you got home Naruto cried on your shirt yelling about how you made him wait and worry over you. You hugged Naruto and reassured him that you would never leave him willingly as you rubbed circles on his back to console him


Gaara kept looking at the red string tied around his pinky, he would forever keep this string in good condition in the hopes that when he did meet you again that you would have your red string in good condition as well

Gaara couldn't stop smiling at the string and held his pinky close to him that night

A/N: ACK- this special is like 40 hearts late I'm soRRY agablnlofhufol-

Written: 5/26/20-5/27/20

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